History - Anti-Semitism part 2

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The Madagascar Plan etc.

  • the plan was to move 4 million jews from europe to the island of madagascar 
  • 1931 - a German publicist wrote ' the entire jewish nation sooner of later miust be confined to an island. This would afford the possibility of control and minimise the danger of infection' 
  • 1937 - sent a comission to Madagscar to detemine the feasibiltiy of forcing jews to emirgate there. 
  • Lean Alter - the director of jewish emirgation believed that only 2,000 people could be settled there. 
  • not till 1938, a year after comission, that the Nazis began to consider the Madagscar plan 
  • 12th november, 1939 - Hermann Goering told the cabinet that Hitler was going to suggest to the west to madagscar. 
  • 22nd June 1941 - under Operation Barbarossa, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. 
  • bolshevick was linked to jewish conspiracy - also came Einstazgruppen (operational squads)  
  • over 1 million jews had been murdered east of september 1939
  • Einstazgruppen A - 1,000 B - 655, C - 700 and D - 600 
  • 1st december 1941, head of En reported his men had mudered 200,000 jews only 34,000 remianed alive and used as slave labour. 
  • Brest - Litovsk was the first city to be overrun by the Germans in June 1941. 
  • Germans attacked B-L onn 22nd June/ 200 jewish men were arrested then 10th july more than 6,000 Jews were killed. 
  • In autumn 1941, a ghetto was established for the 20,000 remaining jews in B-L. 
  • The E was continued from the end of June 1941 until the end of the year and then into 1942 and 1943. 
  • In Kishinev, more than 24,000 jews were murdered. In Odessa, more than 19,000 Jews were killed between 12th jan and 23 feb 1942.
  • Between jan and april 1942, 91,678 jews were killed at the Crimea. 
  • In ukraine, romanian gendarmes and soldiers joined the Germans in killing Ukrainian Jews. 
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