

  • Created by: charl
  • Created on: 11-03-10 21:08

Germany 1918- 1945 WW1 effect on Germany.

German people were:

  • Hungy.
  • Would que outside for things such as potatoes to be unloaded.
  • Short on food,began to ration.
  • Short on light,gas and candles.
  • Hardly anything to wash with. More likely to spread disease's.
  • Hardly any medicines.
  • Demand of workers in Berlin were better off with food,end to military control of industries and the upbringing of peace.
  • Demand was to do with political rights and the restoration of the right of assembly and right of free discussion.
  • Immediate release of all person convicted or arrested for political action
  • The right to vote in the parliament for all men and women over 20.
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1918 - Germans were unhappy with the government because they wanted to stop the war as Germans were getting all the food and supples and the Government has nothing and the Government began to get annoyed by Germany.

Kaiser abdicated because the armies and social lists were supporting the sailors but were against the Kaiser and the Kaiser didnt want a revelation like in Russia.

New Gov were accused of stabbing Germany in the back because they signed the Armastice but Germany thought they were winning so they thought that the Government gave up the change of them winning too easily.

November Criminals were the new Government and were given this name because they singed the armastice on November 11th 1918.

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Weimar Constitution-President

  • Elected every 7 years,Controlled the armed forces
  • Stayed out of the day to day running of the country.
  • In an emergency he could make laws without going through the Reichstag(Article48)


  • Responsible for the day to day running of the country,Chosen from the Reichstag by the President
  • Like a Prime Minister

The Reichstag(Parliament)

  • Voted on new laws
  • Memebers voted every 4 years by(proportional representation).Gave small parties a chance to have a say in Parliament.

German People

  • Elected by president and members of the Reichstag
  • Men and Women can vote over 20
  • Adults have equal rights and rights of free speech
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too many spelling mistakes work couldn't be understood

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