History revision cards


SA a threat?

The SA were an undisciplined body. They were huge and had 2.5 million members. The leader of the Ernst Roehm held views more socialist then Hitler. Roehm wants the SA and the army to combine. It made Hitler fear losing the support he can win. Buisness leaders were scared of the SA as their leader Roehm wanted to remove "big buisness." Hitler then decided he didn't need the SA as he had achieved his goal of becoming chancellor and now the army. Ernest roehm was now a big threat to Hitler and could cause Hitler to lose the support he had already lost.

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Why was the Night of the Long Knives significant?

The night of the long knives The Night of the Long Knives helped securing Germany for Hitler as it removed any opposition to Hitler as it removed any opposition to Hitler within the Nazi Party. It is also meant that people realised how ruthless Hitler was and this could now manipulate the rest of the public.

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Significant events in Hitler becoming Chancellor

- Anger at the Treaty of Versailles.

- Hitler underestimated by Von Papen.

- Wall Street Crash

- Nazi Propoganda

- Charisma of Hitler

- Weak opposition.

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Hindenburg were the current president of Germany.- August 1934. Following the death of Hindenburg the army swore allegiance to Hitler.

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Army's oath to allegience to Hitler 1934

"I swear before God to give my uncoditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the reich and of the german people, and I pledge my word as a brave soldier to observe this oath always, even at the peril of my life."

Consequence of breaking this is death.

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Life for Weimar republic

- Could smoke, drink, talk to men.

- Could work in factories,farmers.


- Allowed to go out on their own.

- Teachers

- Life was pretty good.

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What did Nazi's want from German women?

- Fit and Healthy.

- Wear traditional dresses and hairstyles.

- Aryan race. Blonde hair, blue eyes.

- More children = bigger future army.

- 15% of all teachers, all female doctors and civil serveants were sacked.

Kinder- Children

Kirche - Church

Kuche- Kitchen

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The Hitler Youth

The Nazi government controlled the young people's lives in the Hitler Youth by:

- Probation

- Special tests

- Making them swear by the oath of loyalty

- Taught them that Jews were taking them over the world.

- Telling them their aim in life was to become fighters for German.

- Taught them how to throw hand grenades and shoot pistols.

- Every act revolved around Nazism and brainwashing.

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Sparticist uprising

4th to 15th January 1919.

- Cause of Sparticist they wanted to have communist leader like the russians.

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Kapp Putsch

March 1920

- Wanted Kaiser back.

- Stopped by strike showing support for Weimar.

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Invasion of the Ruhur.

January 1923.

French invaded Ruhr as Germany missed reparation payment so they went to earn money themselves. Ruhr workers went on strike. Germany paid the workers by printing more money this just led to hyperinflation. This occured in 1923 this affected mainly the middle class, income people and pensioners.

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Stresseman Golden Years

Dawes Plan

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The Lecarno Pact

- Stresseman realises for Germany to grow, France needed to feel safe.

- Sign with Great Britain, France and America.

- Keep and agree strict borders.

- Promise never to attack.

- Won't challenge borders.

- Join League of Nations

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