Heat and Heat Transfer

Heat and Heat Transfer

  • Created by: Scott
  • Created on: 05-02-11 16:03

Heat and Temperature

  • Heat is the amount of thermal energy something has.
  • It is measured in Joules or Kilojoules (J or KJ).
  • Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is.
  • It is measured in degrees C.
  • Specific heat is the amount of joules needed to raise 1g of a substance 1 degrees C.
  • Heat transfer is always from hot to cold.
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  • Conduction can take place in a solid, liquid or gas.
  • It is the main method of heat transfer in solids.
  • Gas and liquids are not good conductors of heat as their particles are spread out.
  • In conduction heat energy is turned in to kinetic energy.
  • This makes particles vibrate which hit their neighbours and this happens all the way from the heat source to the cold end of the substance.
  • Level F
  • Metals contain free electrons which do not belong to a specific atom.
  • The atom without the electron is a charged metal ion. The electrons hit into the ions which makes them vibrate even more.
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  • Convection can only take place in a liquid or a gas as the particles in a solid only vibrate they do not move.
  • Heaters use convection to heat rooms.
  • The heater heats the air around it which rises as it becomes less dense than the air above it.
  • As this air moves up cold air takes its place.
  • This air is then heated so it rises then cools, becomes denser that the air below it and sinks where it is heated again.
  • This is called a convection current and it takes place in the sun.
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  • Radiation is the only method of heat transfre that does not require a substance to travel through.
  • Radiation is transfered by electromagnetic waves.
  • The waves are infrared waves.
  • Infrared waves have a wavelength between 0.72 and 10 micrometers.
  • Shiny silvery surfaces reflect radiation the best while dark surfaces absorb the best.
  • All things emmit radiation but the larger the mass the more radiation absorbed and emmited.
  • This type of radiation is called thermal radiation.
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