HEALTHY LIVING- health belief

A set of cards to jog the memory about all the studies within the health belief section.


BECKER- Health belief model

Aim: To use the health belief model to explain mothers adherence.

Method: 111 mothers interviewed about general health motivations, attitudes towards child susceptibility of getting asthma and faith in doctors etc. Covert evaluation blood taken from children’s finger to test for substance present in medication.

Results: Positive correlation between mothers belief about child’s susceptibility and compliance with medical regime. Married mothers more likely to comply.

Conclusion: HBM is a useful model to predict and explain different levels of compliance with medical regimens.

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ROTTER- internal v external locus of control

Aim: Examine the degree to which individuals believe health is controlled by internal or external factors.

Method: Review of 6 pieces of research into individuals perception of ability to control outcomes.

Results: Pp's with internal LOC were more able to show behaviours that would help them cope with a threat.

Conclusion: LOC can affect many behaviours not just health.

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BANDURA AND ADAMS- analysis of self efficacy theor

Aim: Assess self-efficacy of patients undergoing systematic desensitisation.

Method: Quasi-experiment on snake phobic patients. Pre-test assessment, systematic desensitisation, post test assessment.

Results: Higher levels of post-test self-efficacy were found to correlate with higher levels of behaviour with snakes.

Conclusion: Desensitisation enhanced self efficacy levels.

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