health and social care

'someone who cares for a family member who cannot care for themselves'

  1. PHYSICAL- physically draining caring for someone else, push through their own illness
  2. INTELLECTUAL- miss school, might struggle to catch up, struggle with school
  3. EMOTIONAL- lead to depression, no-one to talk to, push through emotional battles
  4. SOCIAL- not have any friends dur to not going out, bullying, lack in support
  5. FINANCIAL- sort out money( benefits), income support, tax credits, disability living allowence
  • Created by: anita168
  • Created on: 20-02-14 12:54

young carer

'someone who cares for a family member who cannot care for themselves'

  1. PHYSICAL- physically draining caring for someone else, push through their own illness
  2. INTELLECTUAL- miss school, might struggle to catch up, struggle with school
  3. EMOTIONAL- lead to depression, no-one to talk to, push through emotional battles
  4. SOCIAL- not have any friends dur to not going out, bullying, lack in support
  5. FINANCIAL- sort out money( benefits), income support, tax credits, disability living allowence
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