Health in PE


Improving health

Health definition- A state of complete emotional, physical , and social wellebeing and not merely the absence of disease and imfirmitry.

 Regular training with correct principles will increase fitness and all aspects of health.

there are 5 areas to consider when planning a training session 

  • Aim - what are you trying to improve 
  • Design - using the correct training methods and how often 
  • Develop - e.g. refining activities to be appropiate to ypur aime
  • Monitor - monitor progress so changed can be made
  • Evaluate - evaluate the sessions regular;y so aims can be modified 
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Physical Health

Physical Health Benefits include:- 

    • By taking part in weight bearing activities like runninbg/walking will create stronger bones so reduced chance of oesteoporosis
    • Reducing cholestorol and lowimng blood pressiure will reduce any chnaces of coronory heart disease and stroke
    • Burning accsess calories while exercising will reduce chanc of obesity
  • If blood vessles are not restricted due to high cholestrol then you would be able to continue to work harder as oxygen delivery would be easier and improved
  • By being the right weight thet is not overfat then you wont be slowed down by access weight from additional fat, therefore you will be able to perform for longer.

Negitive effects of training on physical health

  • overexertion leading to a heart attack 
  • over use injuries - for example if you overtrain and get injuried you will not be able to continue
  • less effective immune system - if you have a cold you cant train as hard
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Emotional Health

Exercise and emotional health

  • taking your mind off of any problems whilst training - Stress relief helping to prevent stress related illnesses like depression this is also improved by the release of serotonin ( feel good hormone in body released whilst training
  • Feel good if you win/meet a challenge - competition
  • Having something to do - prevent boredom 
  •  watching skillfull performances - aesthetic appricitaion (recognising the beauty or skill of a movement)

By taking part in exercise then you will also increase self confidence/ self esteem

  •  becoming a part of a team - make you feel part of something 
  • Practicing more - You are performing better
  • Losing weight  (if previously overweight ) - make you think you look better

Negitive affects of training include 

  • If unable to train then they could get depression
  • could see body dismorphia
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Social Health

Benefits of exercise on social health

  • Meeting new friends and new people
  • Opportunities to get together with exsiting friends
  • Improving co-oporation skills
  • Increase social activities - therefore not engaging in antisocial behaviour

Exercise can benefit different age groups 

  • Ederly persons - getting together with friends as otherwise they may be lonley 
  • Child - May see friends ats chool but needs to improve social skills.

the importance of Co-oporation

  • Co-oporations occours when working together and demostrating team work
  • improved co-oporation can lead to better understanding of your teammates and teamwork skills this might make your team more successfull.

The negitive effects of training on social health -Less time spent with family and friends due to time spent training .

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