hazelwood ****** typologies

  • Created by: parris
  • Created on: 07-05-18 09:08

power reassurance ******

- 80% likely

- **** used to boost masculinity

- Power and control

- Low self esteem

- Low confidence

- Need to be in relationship, but no confidence

- Pretend that victim is girlfriend

- Apolgogies for ****

- Revisit victim

- Minimal force

- Selects victims

- Nearby victims

-  Victim remove own clothing

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Power assertive

- Exercises right to ****

- Agressive during assualt

- Victim is sex object, no concern

- Rip or tear during assualt

- Confident approach

- Sexually and verbally selfish

- Implusively selects victims

·        - Acquaintance or date

#   - Victims similar ages

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Anger retaliatory

- **** used to punish/degrade women

- Third common ******

- Weapons

- Releases anger build up

- Pain and humilation

- Women/ Child

- Sadistic

- Attacks short, unplanned.

- Attacks random

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Anger excitation

- Pain and humilation

- Aggresive

- Souvenirs from victims

- Film attacks

- Victims for long periods

- Strangers

- Killing or servely injured

- Victims selected in advance

- Weapons

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