
Stress Management: Psychological approaches. Hardiness

  • Created by: Sian
  • Created on: 03-03-12 10:48



some people are better able to cope with stress

'Hardy' people feel less threatend by stressful events and create less stress for themselves in daily life.

Notes on;

  • Kobassa, 1979
  • Commitment
  • control
  • challange
  • evaluation of 'hardiness' consept 
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Hardiness; Kobassa, 1979

Kobassa, 1979

Study of white males                       Middle class managers

High hardiness scores-->Had less illness

Hardiness acts as a buffer against negative effects of stressors.

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Hardiness; CCC

CCC-Control, Commitment and Challange

Hardy individuals have a sence of control on their life. If they dont hav ethe skills for a particular tasks they will aquire them.

Hardy individuals have a sence of purpose in life.
Tackle tasks head on, as if they dont particularly want them.

Problems are seen as a challange not an obstical, they devate the needed time and energy.

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Hardiness; Evaluation

Evaluation of the Hardiness consept

1)Maddi, 1998


  • Development of hardiness training (stress man. techinique) showed this to be more effective than relaxation and meditation.
  • Only used middle class p's so doesnt generalise public. Lacks certain validity.

4)Many hardiness assesments are done using self-report techiniques, do the p's tell the truth?

Key: Possitive    Negative

2) Little evidence to support role of 'challange' and 'commitment' in stress, only 'control' is important.

3)Do individuals keep the same hardiness over time?

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Hardiness; Evaluation

Key: Possitive    Negative

2) Little evidence to support role of 'challange' and 'commitment' in stress, only 'control' is important.

3)Do individuals keep the same hardiness over time?

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