Grouping texts

  • Created by: charlie
  • Created on: 02-05-14 10:52


The medium of communication

1 of 120

Oppositional view

Suggesting the qualities of the mode are strictly opposites 

2 of 120


A way of representing differences by placing texts along a line showing degrees of various features

3 of 120


a 'best fit' example of a particular category

4 of 120


A sub-division of a mode

5 of 120


The category or type of text

6 of 120


A form of text

7 of 120

Multimodal texts

Texts that combine word, image and sound to produce meaning

8 of 120


The situation in which a text is received 

9 of 120

Context of reception

Situation in which the text is read that might change reader's interpretation 

10 of 120

Actual reader

Readers who engage in text

11 of 120

Implied reader

Person the producer had in mind when writing

12 of 120

Implied writer

A constructed image of the writer by the reader

13 of 120


Why the text is produced

14 of 120


An individual's style of speaking

15 of 120


A defined use of language in a social group

16 of 120

discourse community

a group of people with shared values towards reading

17 of 120


Formality of the text

18 of 120


relationship between text producer and receiver 

19 of 120


Language variety in a geographical region or social background.

20 of 120


Specific way words are pronounced in a geographical region

21 of 120

Standard english

Universally accepted dialect of English

22 of 120

Specialist register

set of lexical and grammatical constructions for a particular group 

23 of 120


Specialist terminology

24 of 120


 Informal terms used in everyday language

25 of 120


Colloquial language particular to a group

26 of 120


technical terms that describes how language operates 

27 of 120


vocabulary framework

28 of 120


Meaning framework

29 of 120

Textual cohesion

How the text is logically structured 

30 of 120

Subject pronoun

Actor in a verbal process 

31 of 120

Object pronoun

affected by a verb process 

32 of 120

possessive pronoun

demonstrates ownership

33 of 120

Lexical words

Words that carry explicit meaning

34 of 120

functional words

highlights relationships between other words 

35 of 120

Material processes

describing actions or events 

36 of 120

Relational processes

Describing states of being and attributes 

37 of 120

mental process

perception, thoughts and speech

38 of 120

dynamic verbs

the situation described by verb processes changes over time

39 of 120

Stative processes

State of affairs 

40 of 120

Base form

Simple form of an adjective

41 of 120


comparing two items 

42 of 120


adjectives with most or -est

43 of 120


lexical items replace those already mentioned or about to be mentioned 

44 of 120

anaphoric referencing

referencing back 

45 of 120

cataphoric referencing

referencing forward 

46 of 120


Replacing of lexical items 

47 of 120


missing out words in a sentence 

48 of 120


dictionary meaning 

49 of 120


associated meaning 

50 of 120

semantic/lexical field

lexical items similar in meaning and properties 

51 of 120


Similar semantic value 

52 of 120


opposite meaning 

53 of 120


hierarchial structure between lexical items 

54 of 120


socially acceptable word or phrase to replace distasteful words or phrases 

55 of 120


harsh, taboo term

56 of 120


The formation of words from morphemes 

57 of 120


Smalllest unit of grammatical meaning 

58 of 120

Prescriptive approach

How language ought to be structured 

59 of 120

Descriptive approach

Actual language use 

60 of 120

Noun phrase

Group of words centered around head noun

61 of 120

constituent structure

key components of a phrase

62 of 120


Modifying before head noun

63 of 120


qualifies the sense of a noun

64 of 120


modifying after head noun

65 of 120

prepositional phrase

preposition + noun phrase

66 of 120

Main verb

details main process in a verb phrase

67 of 120

auxiliary verb

supports another 

68 of 120

negating particle

forms negative construction

69 of 120

Obligatory component

main verb

70 of 120

optional component

additional part of verb phrase

71 of 120

Primary auxiliary

denotes tense changes 

72 of 120

Modal auxiliary

expresses possibility

73 of 120


combination of primary auxiliary and other verb part

74 of 120


verbs in a chain

75 of 120


responsible for action

76 of 120


responsible for cause of action

77 of 120

adjectival phrase

adjective is head 

78 of 120

adverbial phrase

adverb is head 

79 of 120


lexical items centered around verb phrase 

80 of 120

clause patterns

using different types of clauses for effect 

81 of 120

double-object construction

clause with verb that has two objects 

82 of 120

distransitive verb

requires two objects to form double-object construction

83 of 120

monotransitive verb

requires one object 

84 of 120

intransitive verb

no object 

85 of 120

simple sentences

single main clause 

86 of 120

compound sentence

two or more main clauses with coordinating conjuctions or punctuation

87 of 120

Coordinating conjunctions

words that link clauses to form compound sentences 

88 of 120

Complex sentence

a sentence with a main clause and subordinate/dependant clause

89 of 120

main clause

can stand alone independently 

90 of 120

subordinate clause

dependent on another to complete full meaning

91 of 120

compound-complex sentence

Contains two or more main clauses and one or more subordinating clauses 

92 of 120

Subordinating conjunctions

link the main clause to subordinating clauses in complex sentences 

93 of 120


group of spoken words roughly equivalent to a sentence 

94 of 120

lexical onomatopoeia

similarity between sound and meaning in actual lexical items 

95 of 120


words beginning with same sound 

96 of 120


repetition of vowel sounds 

97 of 120


repetition of consonant sounds 

98 of 120

phonological manipulation

playing with sounds and effects 

99 of 120


a word that sounds the same as another 

100 of 120

phonemic substitution

replacing of phonemes for effect 

101 of 120

cooperative principle

communication is cooperative 

102 of 120


point towards something and place words in context 

103 of 120


font type, size, colour etc

104 of 120

cultural model

organisational structure based on agreed criteria from groups of people

105 of 120


agreed or shared feature 

106 of 120

Narrative categories



Complicating action




107 of 120

External evaluation

evaluation outside narrative sequence 

108 of 120

internal evaluation

occuring at the same time as events in narrative sequence 

109 of 120

intensifying evaluation

adding detail and vividness

110 of 120

explicative evaluation

explaining reasons for narrative events 

111 of 120

conversational analysis

analysis of structure and features of a conversation 

112 of 120

Adjacency pair

two utterances by speakers that have a natural logical link

113 of 120

exchange structure

a series of turns between speakers 

114 of 120


Sharing of speaking roles 

115 of 120


Tridaic structure in speech that allows first speaker to feed back on response of sencond speaker 

116 of 120

insertion sequence

an additional sequence in exchange structure body

117 of 120

Transition relevance point

a point where it is natural for another speaker to take a turn

118 of 120

Topic management

control of conversation

119 of 120

powerful participants

those who hold status in a conversation

120 of 120


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