


verb- doing work/mental action

dynamic verb- action we can take/things that happen e.g run

stative verb- state or condtion which is not/unlikley to change e.g hate, love

main verb- single verb in sentecne or phrase which expresses main meaning e.g i love chocolate

auxillary verb- placed infront of main verb to help meaning e.g i must have chocolate

primary auxillary verb- can be used as mian verb e.g be, have, do

modal auxillary verb- only ever a auxillary e.g can, could, may, must, should, will

infinitive- base form of a verb e.g to be, to run, to walk

transitive verb- needing an object to make sense e.g bring, carry, use, make, need

intransitive verb- makes sense on  its own (without object) e.g die, fall, go, cry, rise, wait 

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proper noun- begin with capital/refer to specifc people/place e.g Paris Andrew

common noun- less specific/refers to typrs of places, people & feelings e.g city, man, planet

concrete noun- things which exist phsycially/see and feel e.g computers, dogs, phones

abstract noun- doesnt exist phsycially/feelings ideas and qualities e.g. friendship, sadness

collective noun- group of people, animals or objects e.g team, family, flock

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personal pronoun- replace subject or object of sentence e.g i drove him around, he thanked me 

possessive pronoun- shows possesion e.g this is sarahs

reflexive pronoun- object or verb is su ject always ends in selves or self e.g congratulated himself

demonstrative pronoun- to point at somthing e.g this, these, that, those 

interogative pronoun- asking questions e.g who, whose, which, what

relative pronoun- linking work in sentence- straight after noun 

indefinite pronoun- doesnt specifically refer to people or things e.g someone, anything, no one, everything

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comparative adj- formed by adding -er to adjective or more e.g hotter, bigger or more expensive/ less expensive 

superaltive adj- formed by adding -est to adjective or  most e.g hottest, biggest or most expensive/least expensive 

evaluative adj- quality of something (unhealthy, blonde)

descriptive adj- what its like (yellow, dry)

emotive adj- opinion on something (wonderful, awful)

adj postions:

attributive- before noun e.g the large balloon

predicative- after noun e.g the balloon is large 

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adverb- give us more info on verbs

manner adverb- he was sleeping well (how)

time adverb- you must go school now (when)

frequency adverb- i always sit at the table (often)

place adverb- they have shirts upstairs (where)

degree adverb- how much the adjectve, adverb or verb is meant e.g i really missed you

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syntax (sentences)

simple sentence- only 1 clause e.g they cried

compound sentence- 2 or more simple sentences joined by a conjuction e.g i woke up and ate breakfast

complex sentence- 2 or more clauses ( 1 more important) subordiate clause and doesnt make sense alone

declarative sentence- make a statement ' i have read all shakespears tradegies'

interrogative sentence- ask questions ' have you read shakespears tradegies?'

imperative sentence- give instructions 'read shakespears hamlet by next week'

excamatory sentence- amphatic '!'

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relative clause- includes relative pronoun e.g who, whose,which or that

adverbial clause- phrase giving extra info on when, where or why something happened

where subordiante clauses go...

front focus-  beginning to give priority

end focus- end of sentence

embedding- subordinate clause in middle (relatively hidden)

syntactic parallellism- synactical structure of a clause being repeated e.g i have a. dream, i have a...

active voice- subject does action e.g liz played the piano

passive voice- subject recieves action e.g the piano was played by liz

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alliteration- repetition of a sound at begining of word

assonance- repetition of similar vowel sounds e.g loud brown cow

consonance- repetition of consonance sounds e.g lazily buzzing

falling intonation- pitch going down at end of utterance

homophone- words that sound same but spelt differenlty ( homonym is vise versa )

onomatopoeia- words that create the sound they're describing

paralingustics- things that add to the meaning of a text that aren't language e.g gestures

phonological cohesion- using phonological devises to create patterns in text e.g alliteration, assonance

prosodics- vocal elements which add meaning but are words e.g tone, pitch, volume

non lexical onomatopoeia- clusters of sounds that has meaning e.g hmm, ow

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spoken language & transcripts

turn taking- natural question and answer e.g how are you? fine thanks

back channelling behaviour- noises to show your listening e.g umm, uh huh

false start- start utterance then start again e.g i was..i was thinking

interruptions- first speaker stops talking

latch- somone straight away speaks after you, maybe finishes your sentence

minimal response- not wantng to give an answer e.g mm

mirroring- repeating what someone says back to them

overlap- both speakers keep talking

reformulation- say it then say it again in a different way 

tag question- make a statement into a question at the end e.g its cold, isnt it?

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spoken language & transcripts pt2

self repair- correcting self speach

solidarity- your speach converges to patterns of others to emphasise similarity 

status- speach diverges from others becuase you need to emphasise status

positive face- to be liked and included e.g are we cold, shall i shut the window

negative face- speaker is independent (not rude) e.g sorry i am cold, i am shutting the window

face threatening act- threatens our negatice/postive face (rude) e.g its cold, i am shutting it

positive politeness- reinforces closeness of speaker e.g give us a cuppa love

negative politeness- emphasises the distance/power relationships e.g sorry to trouble you but can you get me a cup of tea

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mode and genre

mode- way language is communicated between text producer and text receiver

blended mode- communicate which shows mixture of spoke and written language features

multimodal texts- texts which relt on blending different modes

genre- way of catagorising and classifying differnt types of texts according to their features or expected shared conventions or functions

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oppositional theory

naomi baron 2001

writing is-                                         speach is-

objective                                          interperonal

monologue                                        dialogue

durable                                             ephemeral (dissapears quickly)

planned                                            spontanious

highly structured.                             loosly structured

gramatically complex                       gramatically simple

past and future                                present

formal                                               informal

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layout- the way which a text is phsyically structured

typographical features- features of fonts used in tects such as font size, type and colour

orthographcial features- features of writing system such as spelling, capitalisation and puncutation

multi modal texts- texts which rely on the interplay of differnt modes e.g images, writing and sound

iconic sign- sign or image that is a direct representation of the thing it represents

symbolic sign- sign or image where an associated meaning is drawn from some shared degree of knowledge 

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lexis and semantics

lexis- study of words (vocab)

semantics- study of meaning

synonym- words with similar meaning e.g big -> huge, large, massive

antonym- words with opposite meaning e.g hot -> cold

denotation- literal meaning

connotation- associations e.g skinny and slender -> same thing but different expression

semantic/lexical field- number of words to construct a meaning

hypernym- technical term for broad catagory e.g animal

hyponym- term for various things that belong in a braod catagory e.g dog, cat, bird

collocation- group (pairs) of words that commonly found together e.g long day, broke my heart

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lexis and semantics pt2

pragmatics- study of how context

figurative language- metaphors, simlie, oxymorons, hyperbole, personification

antithesis- rhetorical term for juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balances phrases or clauses

polysemic- one word used to express different meanings

ambiguity- to express two or more differnt meanings

idiom- expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the meaning of individual words in expression e.g raining cats and dgs

neology- process of new word formations e.g blends, compounds, acronyms, initallism

formality- vocab style e.g formal: more serious tone informal: more realxed tone... familar 

syntax- arrangment of words and phrases to create well formed sentences in a language

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deixis- demonstrative of words where semantic meaning is fixed but their denonted meaning varies depending on time and place e.g this, that, them, tomorrow

embodied knowledge- knowledge thst is associated with memories of physcial experiences e.g sight, smell

schema- bundle of knowledge about a concept, person or event 

co-operative principle- theory that explains we can widely assume indivduals aim to suceed- not fail e.g collabrative convosations e.g getting a bus ticket using manners

ideology- a set of belives and ideas that work in a way we are often unaware of e.g crime, feminism, sexism, relationships... ideologies can be challenged using humour, irony and satire..  giving alerternative way of viewing world

conversation implication- message which isnt found direclty within the word/ sentence

humour- quality of being amused or comic

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pragmatics pt2

irony- expression that usually indicates the opposite of literal meaning- sarcasm

satire-  use of humour, iront, exageration or ridicule to expose and critise peoples stupidity

idioms- groups of words with a meaning that cant be reduced to individual words e.g over the moon

dead metaphor- figure of speach which has lost all meaning e.g your running out of time

euphemism- mild/more agreable way of saying something tabo or harsh e.g passed away

grices maxims

quality- believe telling truth

quantity- give maximum info with minium effort/words

relevance- be relavant and act accordingly

manner- give info in a clear and not obscure way

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discourse & structure

coherence- makes sense and unifed aim throughout

cohesion- logically sequenced and connected throughout

qualities of coherence- development, continuity, balance and completeness

discourse markers- organisational or to express view point linking words

anaphoric reference- noun followed by related pronoun e.g women open the door, she could see them

cataphoric reference- opposite of anaphoric- pronoun first e.g she opened door, the women could see them

exophoric reference- points to something outside the language of text e.g look at that

endophoric reference- referring to something. within the text e.g i saw sally, she was lying on the beach

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discourse & structure pt2

register- scale of formality

disjuncts- sentence adverbs that work to express an attitiude/stance

ellipsis- omission of expected sentence elements

interdiscursivity-  use of discourse from 1 field as part of another

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