Government under Henry 1530-47


Was there a 'revolution' in Tudor Government

Thesis comes from work of G.R. Elton who devoted much of his career studying the period. Argues changes mark end of medieval government and emergence of modern state.

Structure and organisation of central government
Medieval forms of government based on monarch's household. Modern forms of government, based on properly constituted departments. 

  • The replacement of a household system of finances by a bureaucratic system- old system King's income received by individual officers whose conduct not checked. New system legally constituted departments received money from sources. 
  • The establishment of the Privy Council- Informal system of a large council replaced by more formal Privy Council system in which 20 elite individuals ran government. 

Role of Parliament and relationship between Church and State
Cromwell effected a revolution in the relationship between Church and State by making Henry Supreme Head of the Church. Cromwell used parliament- King had highest authority in the kingdom. 

Henry passed more legislation in 37 year reign than previous 250 years. 

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