Good and evil


The devil

  • The devil isn't found in the bible but a set of books called the apocrypha
  • The story says that lucifer was one of God's archangels. When God created the first humans, the Angels were ordered to bow down to them but lucifer refused. God threw him out of heaven and he fell into hell where he became the devil.
  • "I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven" Luke 10:18
  • God is more powerful than the devil
  • However, we were all created with free will so that we could decide what we want to do
  • The devil is a symbolic way of showing how some struggle to do the right thing
  • Exorcise: a ceremony do remove the devil
  • In the book of Job, the devil tried to tempt a man called Job away from God
  • The devil tired to tempt Jesus into using God's powers for selfish reasons
  • In the creation story, the devil tempts Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit
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The fall and original sin

  • Original sin is the ability to turn away God, all humans are born with a lack of holiness about them. It is believed that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve and so we all have original sin in us. You can only get rid of original sin through baptism.
  • The story of the fall begins when the devil tempts Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. God threw then out of the Garden of Eden and allowed us to feel pain and know death.
  • It is known as the fall because Adam and Eve have fallen from grace with God.
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Natural and moral evil

  • Natural evil is suffering that hasn't been caused by humans and it often to do with nature or the way things are in the world. We cannot control it. For example, Earthquakes.
  • Moral evil is actions done by humans that's cause suffering. For example, War and pollution.
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The problem of evil

-Omniscient, all knowing

-Omnipotent, all powerful

-Omnipresent, always present

-Omnibenelovent, all loving

  • The problem of evil is that is God was omniscient then he would know that we were suffering. If he was omnipotent then he would be able to stop suffering or has caused it and if he were omnibenelovent then he would care about our suffering, therefore he does not exist. (Non-christian)
  • Suffering makes us stronger
  • All will be forgotten in heaven
  • Brings us closer to God as he suffered through Jesus
  • Suffering is a result of sin
  • Humans have free will to choose between right and wrong
  • It's a test of faith
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The story of Job

  • Job is a strongly religious man and believes in only one God
  • Satan is allowed by God to test Job's faith in what ever way he pleases as long as he doesn't kill Job
  • Satan kills Job's animals and children but doesn't blame God
  • Satan covers Job in boils and his wife abandons God
  • Job asks why and God asks who is he to question God
  • Everything is returned to Job but in larger amounts than before
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Sources of moral behaviour

  • The bible: To become more like God, Christians try to follow a code that will help them to behave as they believe God would have wanted them to.
  • The 10 commandments e.g. Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not convet
  • Jesus (their faith): One way in which Christians might decide what God wants them to do is by following the example of Jesus through his teachings
  • Golden rule: "Do to others as you would have do to you" Luke 6:31
  • The two great commandments: "Love your neighbour as yourself" and "Love the Lord with all your heart"
  • Conscience: Christians believe that their conscience tells them right from wrong. It is the voice of God telling them what to do
  • Non-Christians: Socialisation is the process by which we learn to be a member of society. Primary socialisation occurs between the ages of 0 and 5 and is often learned from our parents
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