Golden Years of the Weimar Republic - Coalition Governments


Coalition Governments

  • August 1923 - Philipp Scheidemann - SPD - SPD/ DDP.
  • October 1923 - Gustav Bauer - SPD - SPD / DDP.
  • November 1923 - Hermann Muller SPD.
  • June 1924 - Wilhelm Marx - Centre - DDP.
  • January 1925 - Hans Luther - No party - DDP/ Centre/ BVP/ DVP/ DNVP.
  • January 1926 - Hans Luther - No party - DDP/ Centre/ BVP/ DVP/ DNVP.
  • May 1926 - Wilhelm Marx - Centre - Centre/ DDP/ DVP/ BVP.
  • January 1927 - Wilhelm Marx - Centre - Centre/ DVP/ DNVP/ BVP.
  • June 1928 - Hermann Muller - SPD - SPD/ Centre/ DDP/ DVP/ BVP (GRAND COALITION).

Coalitions didn't last long, with some only lasting a couple months.

Some parties refused to work together e.g. SPD and DNVP.

SPD is the majority party but isnt in many coalitions. 

They would make it have to pass laws etc. due to opposition. 

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