Godden and Baddeley (1975) GRAVE


Godden and Baddeley (1975) GRAVE

G:  Study is ungeneralizable, sample of divers = representative for other divers only. Findings can’t be generalised to all cases of context cues. 18 Ps = small sample size to generalise from, & divers had different diving ability = may not represent the target population fully. :(

R: Study has high reliability; controlled variables - times of learning, recall & intervals between conditions. All P’s experienced same controls. Possibility that divers cheated when changing environment = may have been more opportunity to rehearse / greater interference = may make findings unreliable. :)

A: Study is applicable,shows recall is increased when in same environment. Useful for police collecting information, it suggests taking witnesses back to the scene of the crime could help them recall more information. :(

V: Ps were diver’s = natural environment for them so it has ecological validity. However, Learning/recalling words underwater = unrealistic task, it lacks ecological validity due to the nature of the task. :(

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