
  • Created by: MazzaW
  • Created on: 21-11-19 17:59

Nephritic Syndrome

Haematuria, HTN + AKI

Haematuria can be from the lower urinary tract - red cell casts show it is from the kidney itself.

Rapidly progressive GN = serious acute form of nephritic syndrome, AKA crescentic GN (fibrous proliferation in Bowmans space causing crescents on biopsy)

Type 2 hypersensitivity (autoAbs): anti-GBM disease (Goodpasture's)

Type 3 hypersensitivity (immune complexes): post-streptococcal GN, lupus nephritis, IgA nephropathy, HSP

Pauci-immune (ANCA-associated vasculitis): GPA (Wegener's), EGPA (Churg-Strauss), MPA

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Anti-GBM disease

AutoAbs to type IV collagen- attack GBM causing vessel damage in kidney (RPGN nephritis/nephrotic syndrome) +/- lung (pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage, SOB, Goodpasture's syndrome)

Inflammatory Sx: weight loss, malaise, fatigue, fever, chills, myalgia, arthralgia

Ix: blood (anti-GBM Abs), CXR/CT (lung involvement), renal biopsy (crescentic GN, anti-GBM on immunofluorescence)

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IgA immune complex diseases

Henoch Schonlein Purpura:

  • Age 4-11
  • Virus/sore throat 0-4 days earlier
  • Sx: purpura, joint pain, ankle swelling, abdo pain, haematuria +/- nephritic

IgA nephropathy:

  • Adult version
  • Usually concurrent infection
  • Kidney only
  • Peak age 15-30
  • Nephritic syndrome
  • Mesangial deposition
  • Associated HTN/CKD
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Post-streptococcal GN

Strep 10-14 days ago (sore throat/scarlet fever/skin infection)

Sx: frank haematuria +/- oedema, may also get systemic vasculitis, arthritis

Ix: anti-streptolysin O titre raised, low complement (C3), renal biopsy usually normal

Resolves spontaneously

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Lupus nephritis

Secondary to SLE. Mixture of nephritic and nephrotic syndrome.

Bloods: low C3, low C4 (used up complement), ANA positive, anti-dsDNA

Biopsy: IgG, complement, immunofluorescence

Lupus Sx = SOAP BRAIN MD: Serositis (pericarditis/pleuritis), Oral ulcers, Arthritis, Photosensitivity, Blood (pancytopenia), Renal (protein), ANA, Immunology (anti-dsDNA), Neurological (seizures, psych Sx), Malar rash, Discoid rash

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Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)

AKA Wegener's granulomatosis


ELK: ENT, Lung, Kidney

ENT: sinusitis, epistaxis, hearing loss, stridor, saddle nose deformity

Lung: necrotising granulomas, cough, haemoptysis

Kidney: nephritis

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Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGP

AKA Churg-Strauss syndrome



  • asthma
  • high eosinophils/IgE
  • Vasculitis with granulomas: rash, paraesthesia, nephritis, lung involvement, fever, myalgia, arthralgia
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Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)

Commonest cause of pulmonary-renal syndrome (haemoptysis + renal involvement)


  • No nasopharyngeal features or granulomas
  • Renal failure, RPGN
  • Systemic: fever, malaise, arthralgia, myalgia
  • Lungs: cough, SOB, haemoptysis
  • Rash
  • Neuropathy
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Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)

Commonest cause of pulmonary-renal syndrome (haemoptysis + renal involvement)


  • No nasopharyngeal features or granulomas
  • Renal failure, RPGN
  • Systemic: fever, malaise, arthralgia, myalgia
  • Lungs: cough, SOB, haemoptysis
  • Rash
  • Neuropathy
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