Globalisation Yes and NO




  • Political Globalisation has become more important recently due to the growth in international organisations.
  • These organisations are influencing trans-nationally and not just single states.
  • Brought western democracy to developing nations.
  • Countries that have yet been able to make it work havent embraced it fully and we can use China and India as clear examples of it working. Because till 1980 they both had closed economys and now are super powers.
  • As well as encouraging democracy, globalization is argued to promote human rights and better working conditions.
  • Globalization is claimed to improve standard living conditions, as the increase in trade results in GDP growth. AS shown by singapore and SK
  • Also the foreign investment, which globalization creates, can be a significant driver of development in poorer countries
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  • However anti-globalists argue that globalization will lead to more environmental damage instead of less, as countries specialise in certain things, exploiting the land and ultimately destroying it.
  • Critics claim that globalization have not been what was predicted when the attempt to increase free trade began, and that many institutions  in the system of globalization have not helped of poorer nations.
  • Many claim that it is simply a "buzz-word to denote the latest phase of capitalism"
  • A further criticism of globalization is that it leads to cultural homogenization, McDonaldization
  • Anti-globalists argue that globalization has actually undermined democracy in 2 important ways.
  • Firstly, it has concentrated economic power, and hence political power, in the hands of MNCs.
  • Secondly, democracy is also threatened by the fact that the pace of economic globalization far outstrips that of political globalization.
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