Germany 1918-45 → Recovery (1924-29)


The role of Stresemann

  • 1923 became Chancellor
  • 1924 became Foreign secretary → was mainly responsible for dawes plan and other success abroad
  • 1929 → died 
  • he gained the support of the people by bringing success
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Economic recovery

  • Sep 1923 → Stresemann became Chancellor 

Economic recovery + 'Golden Age'

  • introduction of the Retenmark → replaced worthless mark, printing of the currency was strict
  • Dawes Plan 1924 → Germany started paying reparations again so the USA agreed to lend Germany 800 million marks→ this was used to build factories to produce jobs and goods
  • 1925 → French and Belgian troops left the Ruhr
  • 1929→ Young plan reduced reparations by over 67 percent
  • 1928→ industrial production had improved on WW1 levels → 1930 Germany one of leading exporters of manufactured goods
  • In most towns there were factories and public facilities→ new roads and railways were built and 3 million homes were built
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Success in foreign policy

Foreign secretary Strsemann was responsible for several successes in foreign policy

  • 1925→Lorcarno Treaties with Britain France and Italy; guaranteed Germanys frontiers with France and Italy
  • 1926→joined the Leauge of Nations; given a permanent seat and was seen as a great power
  • 1928→Kellog-Briand Pact along with 64 other nations; agreed to keep their armies for self defence but to try and find a peaceful way
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