
Case studies: Ayai Napa-Cyprus, Macchu Piccu, Zanzibar, Malham, Blackpool, Gambia-Footsteps

  • Created by: Hannah
  • Created on: 17-01-12 09:43

Ayai Napa-Cyprus


Social- Bus service to the capital of Larnica would'nt be available if it were a small town.               Better nightlife for local youths e.g. Mambo Bar

Economical- 20% of GDP from tourism and is almost doubled when multiplier effect is applied          More jobs available in restraunts, bars, hotels etc.

Environmental- Lara Beach protected for turtles to lay eggs.        All new hotels have fresh water supply and sewage system

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Ayai Napa- Cyprus


Social- Natives driven away due to tourists poor behaviour.       Fish driven away by tourists so fishermen have to give tours around Greco Peninsula

Economical- Less youths working in agriculture because better paying jobs in hotels and bars.              Hotel/bar/club jobs are seasonal and they don't always get work in winter.

Environmental- Turtles don't come to this part because of tourists.          Large building development on beach

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Macchu Piccu


Social- Only 500 people allowed on Inca trail at a time.          Since 2000, porters only allowed to carry 25kg.          Better quality of life for locals.

Economical- At Pisac market, a new tourist specified handicraft market has been set up.           $40 million to Peruvian governmebt a year from Macchu Piccu.             Porters paid $10 a day for a four day trip and reputable travel companies ask people to pay $12 each

Environmental- Since 2000, no plastic bottles allowed on trail.        $50 each to go on Inca Trail which goes towards upkeep of trail.

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