Geography - tourism


  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 12-05-13 16:08

Key Points

  • Tourism is an important contributor to many economies.
  • Human resources are man-made attractions like museums and art. Others are local food, drink and traditions.
  • Physical resources are natural features that attract tourists like beachesrainforests and climate.
  • Tourism can bring money and jobs to an area and also educate tourists about local culture.
  • Ecotourism is a type of sustainable development, which tries to minimise the negative impacts of tourism.
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Models of tourist developmen

This butler model shows how a tourist resort may grow. A resort may start off from being a small, low key, destination.

Seven stages of tourist development:

A graph of Butler’s resort life cycle model (

  1. Exploration - a small number of tourists visit the area. The area is unspoilt and few tourist facilities exist.
  2. Involvement - local people start to provide some facilities for tourists. There starts to become a recognised tourist season.
  3. Development - the host country starts to develop and advertise the area. The area becomes recognised as a tourist destination.
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4 more points on butler model

  • Consolidation - the area continues to attract tourists. The growth in tourist numbers may not be a fast as before. Some tensions develop between the host and the tourists.
  • Stagnation - the facilities for the tourists may decline as they become old and run down. The numbers of tourists may decline too.
  • Rejuvenation - investment and modernisation may occur which leads to improvements and visitor numbers may increase again.
  • Decline - if the resort is not rejuvenated then it will go into decline. People lose their jobs related to tourism.
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