geography yall



Where the place is

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Where the place is in relation to other things.

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Roads, trade routes, ferries, etc.

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Central Business District - the middle of the city. Has the tallest buildings and most important public buildings.

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Inner City

Just outside the CBD. The function is residential and small light industry.

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Suburbs (Inner & Outer)

Inner - Bristol's inner suburbs were built between the 1920s and 1940s.

Outer - Built from the 1960s onwards.

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Inner Suburbs

Lower density housing with many houses being detached or semi-detached. Houses are bigger than those in the Inner City. Most are owned, however there are some large social priority housing estates.

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Outer Suburbs

Houses here are larger and many of them are detached. Larger gardens and garages. This is because the land is cheaper as it was seen as less desirable as it is away from the city centre.

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Urban-rural Fringe

This the area around the outskirts of the city. Much of the area is Green Belt Land which was protected from development to stop the spread of the city. Some new housing estates and out-of-town shopping areas have been allowed. Car share lanes have also been put into effect here.

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lmao this is ***

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