  • Created by: Sagaana
  • Created on: 25-04-18 17:31


  • this is when the two plate boundaries are moving sideways past each other.
  • they are either moving at the same speed or different speed.
  • as the plates move the friction occurs and plates become stuck
  • Pressure builds up and when pressure is released a jolt happens and releases alot of energy which causes an earthquake.
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  • This is when two plates are moving towards each other.
  • there are two plates one oceanic and the other is continetal 
  • the oceanic plate is more denser so it subduct in to the mantle
  • the new molten rock is much lighter so it will rise and cause a volcanic activity.
  • A repeated volcanic activity will create a volcano.
  • where continental plates meet, the plate collides and the ground is folded and forced upwards to create mountain ranges.
  • A earthquake can also take place because the land is moving it cause friction which can build up pressure and cause a jolt.
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  • This when two plate boundary are moving away from each other.
  • This will then leave a gap in the boundaries
  • The molten rock rises from the magma and fill the gap
  • This creates new crust.
  • Volcanoes can also form here, along the edges of the plate boundary, due to the rising magma. These volcanoes are called Shield volcanoes
  • At this plate boundary a earthquake can also happen as there is movement of plates.
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