GCSE Child Development (New Born Baby)

GCSE Child Development (New Born Baby)


New Born Baby (Physical Characteristics and Reflex

Physical Characteristics
Fontanelle - soft spots on a baby's head which, enable the bony plates of the skull to flex.
Umbilical Cord - connecting cord from the developing embryo to the placenta.
Shape - comparitively large head, large tummy and short legs.

Reflex Actions
Sucking and Swallowing - anything placed in the mouth will be sucked.
Rooting Reflex - when touched on the cheek, the baby turns to the side searching for mother's ******.
Walking Reflex - when held upright on a flat surface, baby makes walking movements.
Falling Reflex - babies feel like they're falling, they fling out arms and open hands then bring arms back together.
Grasp Reflex - object placed in hand is grasped tightly.
Startle Reflex - sudden bright light or loud noise cause babies to fling out their armswith elbows bent and fists clenched.

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New Born Baby (Skin and Birthmarks)

Milia - small whitish-yellow spots, disappear without treatment.
Vernix - greasy white substance, protects the skin in the uterus and after birth, not washed off and absorbed if left.
Languo - fine layer of hair on face and back, keeps the body warm in the uterus.

Portwine Stains - found on any part of the body, permanent red/purple marks which can be camouflaged or laser treated.
Mongolian Spots - blue/grey discolouration of skin on the back or buttocks, fades naturally.
Strawberry Marks - red raised areas, appear few days after birth and may continue to grow for several months, disappear by the time the child is 5 - 10 years old.
Stork Bites (Red Blotches) - found on the upper eyelid, head and the back of neck, disappear without treatment after a few years.

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Why is ****** blocked out? Its not a bad word



I did type the word, it shouldn't be blocked out



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