GCSE Geography AQA: Practice Exam Questions


What is an Arete?

An arete is a knife-like ridge often found at the back of a corrie or separating two glaciated valleys. They are often extremely narrow and popular with hill walkers, although strong winds can make them very dangerous. A typical arete forms when erosion in two back-to-back corries causes the land in-between to become narrower. If three or more corries have formed on a mountain, erosion may lead to the formation of a single peak rather than a ridge. This feature is called a pyramidal peak. 

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Describe the extent of ice coverage in the UK [4 m

Ice did not cover the whole of the United Kingdom, all of the north was covered, this included Edinburgh for an example. Also parts of the western side of the UK, this includes Wales and Northern Ireland. However, the southern part was not covered by ice, this may be due to the temperature, this includes Portsmouth for an example. This is no longer the case, as the ice has melted ( not just in the UK but surrounding the whole world), this means that the ice has been melting, this could be evidence towards Climate Change. Therefore, the ice in the UK has decreased, as Edinburgh for an example is not submerged by ice. 

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Explain and describe the features of a small-scale

An example of a small scale ecosystem in the UK would be the New Forest. In a food chain, the producers usually get eaten by the consumers. In a practical food chain, a fox would eat a rabbit and a rabbit would eat moss' or herbs for example. 

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How do glaciers move?

In summer, meltwater lubricates the glacier enabling it to slide down the hill. This type of movement, which can be quite sudden, is called basal slip. In winter, the glacier becomes frozen to the rocky surface. The sheer weight of the ice and the influence of gravity cause individuals ice crystals to change shape in a plastic-like way (deform). This is called internal deformation and also causes the glacier to move slowly downhill. 

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