Functionalism and Crime


Social Construction

  • Crime = relative to time and place
  • Example - illegal to shoot heroin in UK but legal for prescribed users in Netherlands
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Durkheim - F.I.N.

  • Functional - strengthens social bonds & makes boundaries known - Example - unite in disapproval
  • Inevitable - not all equally committed to norms - Example - illegally downloading songs
  • Normal - no society exists without crime
  • Anomie - high levels of crime - normlessness

Criticism - feminists - if crime is normal - legitimises ****

Criticism - can be seen to help society - Rosa Parks / Nelson Mandela

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Merton - Strain Theory

Criticises Durkheim - anomie - disjunction between society and means of achieving

  • Conformists, Innovators, Rebels, Ritualists and Retreatists
  • Innovators - agree with goals - unable to achieve - resort to crime (theft)

Criticism - does not explain vandalism / fighting

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Cohen - Status Frustration

Working Class boys - cannot achieve - create delinquent norms and subculture

  • Low position in social structure - material and cultural deprivation - result of educational failure

Criticism - too much emphasis on working class, what about middle class crime?

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Cloward & Ohlin - Oppourtunity Structure

Contrast with Cohen - why some commit crime and some commit violence?

  • Criminal, Conflict and Retreatist
  • Conflict - males unable to achieve - frustrated and angry - resort to gang violence - gain status

Criticism - neglect 3 could overlap - conflict group could sell drugs to get money and respect

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Parsons - Socialisation

Poor socialisation causes crime

  • Institutions - religion, media, education, family - create moral confusion among youth
  • New Right agree - Wilson & Herrnstein - adequate socialisation needed to prevent crime

Criticism - Interactionists - should be based on human interaction

Criticism - Anderson - crime = due to extra male chromosome

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Matza - Delinquency & Drift

Youth drift - following conventionqal values of society to own subterranean values - dual system - normative confusion

Criticism - Interactionists - some do not fall into this cycle

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