


NATURE: Pyschoanalysis

The personality consists of three main parts: The ID, Ego and Superego.

ID: Primary driving force, sexual instict operating in unconcious mind. It uses the pleasure principle and wants things immediatley.

EGO: Concious rational mind that develops in the first two years. It is the reality principe and balances the superego and the ID.

SUPEREGO: Moral component of personality, developed by social and parental standards, develops at age 5. 

Defence mechanisms: If we haveunplesant thought or experiences we protect ourselves with defence mechanisms. The Ego uses stratergies to reduce anxiety:Repression (ignore) Sublimination (energy into something else) Projection (blame it on somoene else) Denial (refuse to accept it) Rationalisation (justify it).

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Five stages of psychosexual development:

  • Oral stage 0-18months: Pleasure gained from sucking and swallowing.
  • Anal stage 1-3yrs: Pleasure from toilet control and playing with faeces. 
  • Phallic stage 3-5yrs: Curiosity of genitals.
  • Latency stage 5+: Cognitive and social development.
  • Genital stage puberty: Directed at love objects outside of family. 

Early years workers: Childhood experiences make adult personality. Protect from distress, give praise, show acceptable/unacceptable behaviour, look after them to prevent distrust, act out feelings, prevent trauma.

Residental home: Share past memories, dont take conflict personally, support plan with past experiences considered, messy= not anally retentive, not strict potty training. 

Day centre: Consider childhood experiences to suggest behaviour. Phobias are a result of unconcious past experience. 

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