French revision cards

Use these for speaking revision



Tu ressembles a une personne de ta famille? -

You resemble a person in your family?

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Physiquement je ressemble a ma soeur parce que nous avons le meme visage et je suis petite comme elle. En ce qui concerne mon caratere, je ressemble a ma soeur parce que j'ai le sens de l'humour. -

Physically i resemble my sister because we look the same and i am small like her. Concerning my character i resemble my sister because we have the same sense of humour.

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Tu as un animal chez toi? -

Do you have an animal?

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Je n'ai pas d'animal parce que me mere est allergique aux animaux. Ma soeur avait un hamster mais je n'aimais pas Mogal et Long John Silver. Cependant je voudrais avoir un chien parce que je les adore.-

I don't have an animal because my mum is allergic to animals. My sister had a hampster but i never liked Mogal and Long John Silver. However I would like to have a dog because i love them.

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Qui est ton meilleur ami (ou ta meilleure amie) ? Peux-tu me la/le decrire? -

Who is your best friend? Can you describe her/him?

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Ma meilleure amie s'appelle Beth Skarz. Elle a quatorze ans et elle habite a Kirkburton. Elle a une soeur et deux freres, qui s'appellent Aimee, Jack et Joe. Elle a deux chiens qui s'appellent Sammy et Mollie. Je trouve que Mollie est plus mignonne que Sammy. Elle est grande et mince avec les cheveux blond clair et les yeux bleus. -

My best friend is called Beth Skarz. She is 14 years old and she lives in Kirkburton. She has a sister and two brothers who are called Aimee, Jack and Joe. She has two dogs called Sammy and Mollie. I find that Mollie is more cute than Sammy. She is tall and slim with light blonde hair and blue eyes.

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Qu'est-ce que tu as fait recemment avec tes amis? -

What have you done recently with your friends?

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Le weekend dernier je suis allee en ville avec mes copains, Nous avons fait des achets. Moi, j'ai achete un t-shirt et mon copain a achete des vetements. Apres nous avons mange un gateau un chocolat et nous avons bu un the. Je me suis bien amusee. -

Last weekend i went to town with my friends. We bought things. Me, i bought a t-shirt and my friend bought some clothes. After we ate some chocolate cake and we drank some tea. I had a good time.

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A ton avis, quelles sont les qualities d'un copain ou d'une copine ideale? -

In your opinion what are the qualities of an ideal friend.

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Pour etre bon copain il faut etre calme et patient. Il ne faut jamais etre ennuyuex. Mon copain ideal serait sympa et generaux. -

In order to be a friend it is necessary to be calm and patient. It is not necessary to be annoying. My ideal freiend would be nice and generous.

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Es-tu membre d'un club ou d'une societe?-

Are you a member of a club or society?

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Je suis membre d'un club de nager depuis 7 ans. Je l'aime parce que j'y ai beacoup d'amis.-

I am a member of a swimming club since i was 7. I like it because i have lots of friends there.

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Tu voudrais te marier un jour? pourquoi? pourquoi pas? -

Would you like to get married one day? why? why not?

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Bien que mes parents soient divorces, je voudrais me marier un jour et je voudrais avoir des enfants plus **** avec l'homme des reves.-

My parents are divorced, i would like to get married one day and i would like to have childrenlater with the man of my dreams.

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Il y a combien de personnes dans ta famille? -

How many people are in your family?

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Il y a cinq personnes dans ma famille. J'ai trois soeurs qui s'appellent Gemma, Sarah et Emily. Ma mere s'appelle Angie et mon pere s'appelle Mark mais il n'habite pas chez moi. Gemma a vingt ans et Sarah a diz huit ans, cependant Emily a douze ans. -

There are 5 people in my family. I have 3 sisters who are called Sarah, Gemma and Emily. My mum is called Angie and my dad is called Mark but he doesn't live with me. Gemma is 20 years old, Sarah is 18 years old however Emily is 12 years old.

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Tu t'entends bien avec tes parents? ton frere? ta soeur? -

Do you get on well with your parents? your brother? your sister?

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Je m'entends bien avec ma mere parce qu'elle me respecte et elle m'ecoute. Ma mere est plus sympa que mon pere. Je m'entends bien avec mes soeurs aussi parce qu'on rigole ensemble. Elles sont tres raisonnables et j'adore mes soeurs et ma mere. -

I get on well with my mum because she respects me and she listens to me. My mum is more nice than my dad. I get on well with my sisters also because we have a laugh together. They are very reasonable and i love my sisters and my mum.

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I can see the idea of these revision cards, however there are no accents etc. and there are many spelling mistakes.

Rosie Whitham


I am adding the accents on when ive finished writing them all out and printed them off and the spelling mistakes are just typing errors.

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