French AS Vocab- La Famille/Les Conflits/Les Rapports

La Famille/L'amour/L'amite

  • Created by: lucy
  • Created on: 01-06-11 22:16

La Famille

adoptif/ve- adopted

adultère (m)- adultery

agence (f) matrimoniale- dating agency

allocation (f) familiale- child benefit

cellele (f) familiale- family unit

concbinage (m) common-law marriage

conflit (m) conjugal- marital strife

conjoint- spouse

démuni/e- deprived

se désagréger- to break up

divorcer- to divorce

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épouser- to get married

esprit (m) de famille- family feeling

famille (f) adoptive- foster home

               monoparentale- single parent family

               nombruse- large family

              nucléaire- nuclear family

fonder un foyer- set up a home

foyer (m) brisé- broken home

homme (m) au foyer- house husband

liens (m) familiaux- family ties

mariage (m)- marriage

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se marier- to marry

ménagère (f)- housewife

mère (f) d'accueil- surrogate mother

             célibataire- single mother

moeurs (fpl)- morals

monogame- monogamous

natalité- birth rate

nid (d) douillet- cosy nest

parent (m) isolé- single parent

partenaire- partner

planning (m) familial- family planning

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structure (f) familiale- family structure

s'unir- to be joined in marriage

veuf/veuvre- widower/widow

vie (f) en couple- life together

contrat de mariage- marriage contract

se mettre en ménage- to set up house together

se solder par un divorce- to end in divorce

la gard des enfants- custody of the children

le taux de nuptialité est en baisse- the marriage rate is in decline

vivre en dehors du cadre de mariage- to live outside the framework of marriage

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les naissances hors mariage- births outside marriage

une famille écatée- extended family

un couple non-mariée- an unmarried couple

vivre en solo- to stay single

les proches- close relatives

l'état civil- marital status

l'époux/le mar- husband

la femme/l'épouse- wife

le/la célibataire- unmarried person

éprouver/ressentir- to feel (emotion)

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Les Conflits

agaçant/e- annoying

bouder- to sulk

comportement (m)- behaviour

confiance (f)- confidence

contredire- to contradict

cafard- depression

crise (f)- crisis

délaisser- to neglect

dépassé/e- old-fashioned

déaccord (m)- disagreement

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désobéir- to disobey

dispute (f)- argument

élever- to raise

étouffant/e- suffocating

excès (m) d'autorité- over strictness

faire une fugue- to run away

fermeté- firmness

frictions (f) parent-enfants- parent-child conflicts

hostilité- hostility

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incomphréhension (f)- lack of understanding

indulgent/e- lenient

lubie (f)- whim/fad

marginal (M)- drop out

mauvais traitement d'enfants- child abuse

mépriser- to scorn

mûr/e- mature

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âge (m) de consentement sexuel- age of consent

amoureux/euse- in love with

attirance (f)- attraction

s'amuser- to have fun

bouveberser- to upset deeply

chagrin (m) d'amour- boy/girlfriend problem

cohabitation (f)- living together

cohabiter- to live together

défaut- failing/fault

déranger- to upset

se disputer avec- to argue with

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enceinte- pregnant

énerver- to irritate

s'enendre bien avec- to get on well with

fréquenter- to go around with

gêne/e- embarrassed

intimité (f)- intimacy

offenser quelqu'un- to hurt someones feelings

s'opposer à- to be against

paratager- to share

plaquer- to dump/ditch

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pression (f)- pressure

rapports (mpl) sexuels- sexual intercourse

se ré concilier avec- to make up with

respecter- to respect

rigoler- to have a laugh

romantsme (m)- romanticism

sensé /e- sensible

sortir avec- to go out with

tendresse (f)- affetcion

traîner avec- to hang around with

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vie (f) amoureuse- love life

          affective- emotional life

faire la tête à quelqu'un- to sulk with somebody

avoir confiance en quelqu'un- to trust somebody

tomber amoureux/se de to fall in love with

garder le moral- to keep your spirits up

emménager ensemble- to move in together

le mari idéal- Mister Right

s'investir dans une relation- to put a lot into a reltionship

envers- towards

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se fiancer- to get engaged

les fiançailles- engagement

le mariage civil- civil marriage

                 religieux- church wedding

le jour des noces- wedding day

le/la jeune marié/e- the newly married

le témoin du marié- best man

la demoiselle d'honneur- bridesmaid

accoucher- to give birth

l'ami/e- boyfriend/girlfriend

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PACS- le pacte civil de solidarité

le/la partenaire- partner in a PACS

l'éclatement (m) de la famille- collapse of family structure

la dissociation- the disintegration

l'entretien- conversation

se fâcher- to get angry with

être fâché/e avec- to be on bad terms with

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