Forces and Transport


Forces - Card 1

Balenced forces are forces are the same size but work in opposite directions. If forces are balenced:

  • stationary objct stays stationary
  • a moving object continues to move at the same speed.

A car or motorbike uses the energy stored in fuel to move at a steady speed because it needs a force from the engine to balance the forces of air resistance and friction. The amount of air resistance on something can be reduced by giving it a smooth, streamlined shape. The air resistance increases as the speed increases, so cars use up more fuel per mile when they are travelling fast. Air resistance is caused by air particles hitting the moving object. The particles transfer energy to the object, which is why objects moving through air can get hot.

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Pressure on solids - Card 2

Pressure is the amount of force pushing on a certain area. For a certain area, the bigger the force, the bigger the pressure. For a certain force, the bigger the area, the smaller the pressure. 

If a thumb is putting a force onto the head of a pin. The force is transferred to the point of the pin. The point has a very small area, so there is a very large pressure on the board, and the pin goes in.

If the thumb is putting a force directly on the board. The area of the thumb is much larger than the area of the pin point, so there is only a small pressure on the board. The thumb does not go into the board.

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Magnets and electromagnets - Card 3

Magnetism is a non-contact force. A magnet does not have to be touching something to attract it. Magnets attract magnetic materials. Iron, nickel and cobalt are magnetic materials. Mixtures, like steel, that include a magnetic material will also be attracted to a magnet. Other metals, such as aluminium or copper, are not magnetic and will not be attracted to a magnet.

  • The two ends of a bar magnet are called the north-seeking pole and the south-seeking pole, or north pole and south pole for short.
  • A north pole and a south pole attract each other.
  • Two north poles or two south poles repel each other.

A bar magnet is a permanent magnet, because it is always magnetic. A wire with electricity flowing through it has a magnetic fi eld around it. An electromagnet is a coil of wire with an electric current fl owing through it. It is only magnetic while the current is flowing.

  • increasing the number of coils of wire
  • increasing the size of the current (by increasing the voltage)
  • using an iron core.
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Magnetic fields - Card 4

The space around a magnet where it has an effect is called its magnetic field. You can fi nd the shape of the magnetic field using iron filings or using a plotting compass. The Earth has a magnetic field. A compass is a small magnet that will point towards the Earth’s North pole. But magnetic materials placed near a compass can change the direction that the compass points towards

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Levers - Card 5

Forces can be used to turn objects around pivots. A pivot is also known as a fulcrum. Levers work by magnifying the force that is put in (the effort) or they can make the load move further than the effort. The amount the force or distance is multiplied depends on the distances between the load and the pivot and the effort and the pivot.

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