Food technology



Protein is needed in the diet for growth, repair body tissues, promote the manufacture of enzymes, and it is vital for metabolism.

Proteins are found in foods such as meats, fish, eggs (HBV), and nuts, seeds, lentils, beans and pulses (LBV).

Proteins are needed for all ages, especially children to help them grow.

The elderly need easily digestible proteins such as eggs, soya milk and fish.

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Saturated fats

Saturated fats.

These are fats which are solid at room temperature. Mainly found in foods which originate from animals, e.g butter and lard. Although palm and coconut oils have high levels of saturated fats.

Too much saturated fats can lead to high levels of cholesterol.

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Unsaturated fats

These are found in a range of foods originating from plants and oily fish.

There are two types of unsaturated fats:

Monounsaturated fats:

These are soft at room temperature. These are healthier for you; they lower blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. Found in milk, fish, avadaco, nuts, mayonnaise and oils.

Polyunsaturated fats:

These are liquid at room temperature. Found in fruits, vegetables and nuts.

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Carbohydrates - starch.

This is found in cereals, breads, potatos, pasta and root vegetables. They are filling and provide the body with nutrients such as vitamin B - found in cereals.

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Carbohydrates - Sugar

Instrinsic sugars: These , obesity are found naturally in the cells of fruits and vegetables.

Extrinsic sugars: These are processed sugars, such as granulated, caster, demerara, icing sugars, treacle and syrup that are added to cakes, biscuits, sweets, desserts, sauces, soft drinks and soups.

A diet high in extrinsic sugar can lead to tooth decay, obesity and diabetes.

All ages need carbohydrates, especially teenagers and children because they need their energy because they're more active.

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Carbohydrates - Fibre

Soluble fibre: This is found in the flesh of fruit and vegetables, oats, beans and lentils.

Digestion particularly breaks it down to fystem orm a gel-like substance that can coat the digestive trat. This helps to speed up digestion, helping to lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent cancer and other digestive problems.

Insoluble fibre: This is found in the skins of fruit and vegetables, cereals and whole grain food products., The body cannot digest insoluble fibre. It acts as a bulking agent, absorbing the end products of digestion to allow waste products to be removed from the body.

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