Fish Locomotion

  • Created by: rosieevie
  • Created on: 06-11-17 21:07

Life in a 3D Environment

Water 800x denser and 55x more viscous than air - constrains fish design

3 main directions of movement fish can do in water:

  • Roll - movement along a horizontal axis - forwards, backwards
  • Yaw - movement along vertical axis - turning motions
  • Pitch - movement pointing up and down
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Modes of Swimming

  • Anguiliform - eels, larvae, lamprey
    • Most of body propels
    • Move by undulation
    • Slow to moderate speed
    • Elongate/round body shape
    • Small caudal fin aspect ratio
  • Thunniform - salmon, jacks, mako shark, tuna
    • Posterior of the body propels
    • Move by undulation
    • Moderate to fast speed
    • Fusiform body shape
    • Large caudal fin, aspect ratio low
    • Pelagic habitat
  • Ostraciform - boxfish, torpedo ray
    • Caudal region propels
    • Move by oscillation
    • Slow speeds
    • Variable body shape
    • Large caudal fin with low aspect ratio
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Modes of Swimming 2

  • Tetradontiform - triggerfish, sunfish, porccupine fish
    • Pectoral or median fins are propulsive drivers
    • Osciliation is propulsive mode
    • Slow speeds
    • Variable, deep bodied shape
    • Small to medium caudal fin, aspect ratio low
    • Pelagic habitat
  • Rajiform - rays, bowfins, knifefish
    • Propulsive drivers are pectoral or median fins
    • Move by undulation
    • Slow speeds
    • Elongate, often flat bodies
    • Variable caudal fin size, aspect ratio low
  • Labriform - wrasses
    • Pectoral fins drive
    • Move by oscillation
    • Slow but fast bursts
    • Large caudal fins, ratio low
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Biotic Considerations of Swimming

Body/caudal fin (BCF) locomotion - generate thrust by bending body into backward-moving propulsive wave that extends to caudal fin

Median/paired fin (MP) locomotion - median and paired fins generate propulsive power, enabling fish to swim accurately and stay still in fast flowing water

Swimming modes involve trade-offs to be effecitve in life history:

  • High maneuverability = flat body with large median and paired fins
  • Efficient cruising - streamline (tuniform) body
  • Rapid acceleration - streamline body with large caudal fin

Some fish can switch and blend modes 

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Evolution of Swimming Modes

Transition from eel (anguiliform) which moves entire body to tuna (thunniform), which only moves the tail. 

Salmonids - intermediate of the graduation (subcarangiform swimmers)

Thunniform swimming - evolved 4 times in non-related groups

  • Little head movement
  • Advantagous - increases head stability and increases effectiveness of receiving sensory inputs
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Swimming to Stay Still

Gymnotiforms (knife fish) - evolved BCF swimming mode using elongated anal fin

Maintains a rigid body and remain stationary 

Detect changes in weak electric fields to provide info about the environment

Change/reverse beating fin to change propulsive forces and compensate for water movement = horizontal and vertical control

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Functional Components of Swimming - Axial Skeleton

Swim by contracting serious of myotomes on 1 side of body in sequential pattern and relaxing muscles on other side. Each myotome spans multiple (1 or 2) vertebrae

Efficient swimming - sinusoidal motion along axis of flexible but incompressible spine

Tail/body motion generates lateral forces = forward thrust as they are cancelled by fish body shape and median fins

Vertebral column either described as:

  • Monospondylous - 1 vertebra per body segment
  • Dispondylous - 2 vertebrae per body segment

Muscle blocks are often described as body segments - more joints per muscle block and more fluid w/in vertebral discs = incompressible flexibility

  • Numerous elongate spines for muscle attachment (primary structures)
  • Neural arches provide protection for spinal cord
  • Epipleural/epineural spines not directly connected to vertebrae (secondary structures) - stiffening in muscle blocks so they keep shape
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Functional Components of Swimming - Muscles

Main body muscles - discrete myotomes either side of spinal column and forms a W shape

Adjacent myomeres seperated by collagenous myosepta - attached to backbone and skin in collagen sacs

Myosepta form larger units bound by median and horizontal septa = compartmentalisation = muscles can move together

Two muscle types, in different ratios in the body due to conflicting demans of low-speed economic cruising vs short high speed bursts (more red muscle in active fish)

  • White muscle - anaerobically for short burst swimming
    • Consists of majority of body in most fish
    • Lacks myoglobin and little vascularisation = limited O2 supply 
  • Red muscle - hard to fatigue, used in sustained swimming
    • Thin, lateral superficial sheets under the skin
    • Highly vascularised with lots of myoglobin
    • High numbers of mitochondria in muscle fibres
    • Located as band along side of fish in most species
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BCF Swimming Modes

  • Paired fins - evolved from paired hydrodynamic planes 
  • Closer the fins are together, the more propulsive capabilities
  • Provide thrust through figure of 8 sculling motion
  • Osteichthyes - pelvic fin par to move forward until they are beneath or in front of the pectoral fins = more propulsive component and stability 

Rajiform mode - rays, skates and mantas

  • Similar to flight of birds
  • Large undulations along pectoral fins
  • Amplitude envelope of undulations increases from anterior part to fin apex
  • Higher the amplitude of motion the bigger the degree of thrust
  • Oscillatory mode - fins are flapped up and down like wings of birds

Brook trout - median fin swimming has significant contribution to thrust when fish is in economy mode - tail only used for speed bursts

Bluegill sunfish - dorsal and pelvic fins supplement the caudal fin swimming ,creating mixed FCF and BCF swimming mode

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Standing and Walking

'Stand' on bottom of seafloor w/ modified fins

Deep-sea tripod fish - modified pectoral fin rays and caudal fins to stand and potentially detect predators w/ sediment vibrations

Gurnard - bare fin rays w/ olfactory cells to detect buried invertebrates

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Gliding and Flying

Flying fish - glide above water as escape response

  • Elongated lower tail lobe to help provide thrust in air

Amazonian hatchetfish - glide in air 

  • Claims that pectoral fins can be flapped by muscles to achieve 'true' powered flight
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Bioenergetics of Swimming

Swimming is most metabolically form of locomtion but energy expended to overcome forces opposing forward movement:

  • Inertial/pressure drag
  • Viscous/frictional drag

Forces counter-balanced to prevent sinking

Fish are negatively buoyant - hydrodynamic lift accommodates some issues

Static lift (liver fats and swim bladders) = neutral buoyancy with little metabolic energy expenditure = musculature only provides thrust, not hydrodynamic lift

Aquatic animals perfectly supported by medium so little energy needed to overcome gravity

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Swimming Efficiency and Drag

Achieved by minimising drag created by friction, turbulence and body form

Fusiform (torpedo) shape = hydrodynamically efficient for cruising at high speeds

  • Takes 3 types of drag into account - surface drag, form drag and turbulent drag

Reynolds number (Re - unitless) quantify fluid flow over animals, useful in determining life-histories

  • Vo = incident velocity, Lx = foil length, p = density, u = viscocity

Cicular shape = minimises surface drag

Long shape = minimises form drag

Bulbus shape with long body = minimises turbulent drag

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Reducing Drag

Fusiform body shape - reduce form and turbulent drag

Not affected greatly by speed of swimming, but by smoothness of skin surface and skin surface area

Production of mucus - reduce viscous drag

Primarily reduced by type of scale making up fish external surface:

  • Placoid - Chondrichthyes
  • Cycloid and ctenoid - teletost fish
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Placoid Scales

Present in Chondrichthyes

Reduce drag by absorbing turbulence between denticles

Sharp edges - surface vortices break away easily

Fast-swimming sharks have sharp-edged riblets on their skin, created by denticles

Placoid scales homologous with vertebrate teeth

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Ctenoid/Cycloid Scales

Thin, flexible and arranged in overlapping rows (imbricate) = good strength/flexibility

Imbrication sets up boundary layer vortices between projecting scales = reduces drag turbulence

Ends of scales pointed = break away easily = fish leaves no turbulent wake

Scales made of bony surface layer (organic matrix impregnated with Ca salts) and enamel layer on edge

Circuli (growth rings) - useful in taxonomic and life history analysis

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Hydrodynamic Lift - Paired Fins

Median and paired fins can balance weight in water = neutral buoyancy

Hydrodynamic lift relies on forward movement - requires energy expenditure (advantageous if fish swims anyway)

Energetic costs of swimming reduced by passive buoyancy (static lift)

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Hydrodynamic Lift - Heterocercal Tails

2 competing models explaining how forward locomotion in sharks is accomplished:

Classical model 

  • Shape of heterocercal tail generating downward and backward thrust
  • Resultant force (Fr) = upward and forward
  • Fr = shark's head pushed downward - countered by planing surfaces of pectoral fins and head
  • Now the tail is thought to only generate horizontal forward thrust

Alternative Thomson model

  • Upper and lower lobes of tail provide counteracting forces that drive fish
  • Generate 'independent' forces on upper and lower lobes 
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Hydrodynamic Lift - Caudal Fin Aspect Ratio

Primary role of caudal fins - generating hydrodynamic lift - transmit forces generated by body musculature to produce forward thrust 

Apect ratio = (span of the fin)2/surface area of the fin

Low AR = rapid acceleration, high manoeuvrability (larger caudal fin)

High AR = fast and prolonged cruising (thinner caudal fin)

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Static Lift - Chondrichthyes

Cartilaginous skeleton - lighter than bone and only marginally denser than seawater

High levels of low-density lipids in greatly enlarged livers (20-30% body mass)

Compressibility of stored lipids is poor - individuals are little affected by ambient pressure associated with depth changes


  • Density of lipids not much less than seawater = neutral buoyancy only obtained by large deposits of lipids
  • Extra bulk of body increases swimming drag and energy to reduce it
  • Metabolic cost of synthesising lipids is high and increases with age/size
  • Hunting due to use of lipids
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Static Lift - Osteichthyes

Reduce body density by reducing ossification of bone and increasing water content of tissue - common in deep sea species

Utilises lipid deposits in skin, muscle and bone

Uses gas in swim bladder in pelagic species

Not all species posses swim bladder - absent in deep sea/benthic/fast-swimming pelagic species

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Reduced or Absent Swim Bladders

Bottom-dwelling/swift-stream species e.g. gobies, sculpins

Species that continously swim over wide depth range e.g. tuna, mackrel

  • Rapid change in depth = swim-baldder unable to adjust quick enough

Vertical migrators - 100s metres diel migrations

Bathypelagic species - sparse food so energetically expensive (reduce tissues to near neutral buoyancy)

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Origin and Structure of Swim Bladders

Originated from out-pocket of oesophagus

Used as accessory respiratory structure 'lung' in swampy habitats

Two forms of development - physostomatous and physocilstous

Bladder wall poorly vascularised and lined with guanine crystals = impermeable to gases

Adjusting volume of gas in bladder achieves neutral buoyancy = fish remains suspended in water column

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Swim Bladder Pros and Cons

Metabolic costs modest to acieve neutral buoyancy

Gas-filled spaces have inherent vertical instability

Fish decends = bladder compressed = fish heavier and sinks

Fish ascends = bladder gases expand = fish light

If gas is not removed, fish will increase rate of ascent in positive feedback loop

= Swim-bladder overexpansion

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Adding Gas into a Swim Bladder

Both types of swim-bladder require gas secreted into bladder from blood, against a concentration gradient

Process = gradient diffusion (NOT ACTIVE TRANSPORT) = low energy cost

High [O2] blood must be produced to move through bladder cell wall into bladder, down a concentration gradient

Gas gland - highly vascularised area of swim bladder


  • Bohr effect
  • Root effect
  • Salting out
  • Rete mirabile and counter current exchange
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Removing Gas from the Swim Bladder

Primative physostomous bladder - penumatic duct connecting to oesophagous

  • Fish relaxes sphincter muscle = expels oxygen through duct into alimentary tract

Physoclistous bladder - duct in juveniles but in adults gas secreted into blood from vacularised ovale

  • Ovale seperated from rest of bladder by sphincter muscle = secretion moving down a concentration gradient
  • Facilitated by respiratory pigments
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Bohr and Root Effects

Gas gland - secretes lactic acid from anaerobic respiration into blood = localised high acidity

CO2 produced at same time - contributes to Chloride shift

Bohr effect - acificication changes how tightly O2 bound to haemoglobin = reduction in affinity

Root effect - haemoglobin cannot bind as much O2 due to increase in acidity

= unloading of O2 from blood into solution

Lactate increases = reduces solubility of O2 = salting out

Salting out = gasous O2 less soluble at high salt concentrations 

  • Used by Salmonids (swim bladder 80% N2)
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Chloride/Hamburger Shift

CO2 generated in gas gland - diffuses into RBC

= H+ and HCO3- - exchanged for Cl- 

Enters RBCs and reduces affinity of haemoglobin for O2

In gills reverse takes place - restoring O2 affinity = Haldane effect

Complex equilibrium of affinity for O2 by haemoglobin caused by shift of Cl- ions

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Limits to Bohr, Root and Salting Out

Lactate and hydrogen ions produced by gas gland = reduce solubility of gases in aqueous solution. eases trasnport into gas bladder

Combined effects fill a gas bladder down to 25m, after which gas stays in blood

= rete mirablile counter-current multiplier crucial to gas gland functionability

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Rete Mirabile Counter-Current Multiplier

Capillary vessels take blood to (afferent) and from (efferent) gas gland run counter current and stack in large bondles

High [O2] and lactic acid - maintained in immediate area of gas bladder wall

Diffuse across thin capillary wall from efferent Rete to afferent Rete 

Passive exchange

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