Feminist theories of religion


Evidence of patriarchy

Religious organisations - mainly male dominated despire more women participate than men. Armstrong (1993) - exclusion from priesthood - women's marginalisation.

Places of worship - segregation. Participation restricted.

Sacred texts - mainly doings of male gods/prophets, anti-female stereotypes, Eve caused humanity's fall from grace + expulsion from Garden of Eden.

Religious laws + customs - fewer rights than men, eg access to divorce

Women not always been subordinated - Armstrong (1993) - mother goddesses, fertility cults etc. May be used to oppress women, Nawal El Saadawi (1980) - not direct cause of subordination, result of patriarchy.

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Religious forms of feminism

Woodhead (2009) - critices, accepts most of traditional religion patriarchal, emphasises not all religions - religious forms of feminism eg hijab worn as liberation, not oppression.

Piety movements - conservative moments support traditional teachings about women's role, modest dress, prayer + Bible study - Rinaldo (2010) - pentecosstal, men should respect women. Women make use of activities linked to Church eg Bible study.

Liberal Protestant organisations - eg Quakers, committed to gender equality, women leading roles. 

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