Fast Food



-People eat it because it's quick and easy 

-Energy-rich food, too much fat in diet can make you overweight

-Amount and type of fat you eat affects the levels of cholesterol in your blood

-Cholesterol->substance made in liver. Gets carried around in your body in your blood. Need it to make the membranes of your body cells,your sex hormones and the hormones that help you deal with stress 

-High levels of cholesterol increase the risk of getting heart disease or diseased blood vessels 

-The cholesterol builds up in your blood vessels and can even block them 

-Heart disease is one of the main causes of death in the UK and USA

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Controlling Cholesterol

-The amount of cholesterol you have in your blood depends on two things;

  • Way your liver works
  • Amount of fat in your diet 

-Cholestrol is carried around your body by two different LIPOPROTEINS;

  • Low-density lipopeoteins (LDL's)- 'bad' cholestrol. Raised levels of it increases risk of heart problems 
  • High-density lipoproteins (HDL's)- 'good' cholesterol. Reduces risk of heart disease 

-Balance of them is important for a healthy heart

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Types of fat

-There are three main types of fat;

  • SATURARED FATS- increase blood cholesterol levels.Find them in animal fats like meat,butter and cheese 
  • MONO-UNSATURATED FATS- reduces overall blood cholestrol levels and improve the balance between LDL's and HDL's in your blood. Find them in foods like olive oil, olives,peanuts and lots a margarines 
  • POLYUNSATURATED FATS- better at reducing your blood cholesterol levels and balancing LDL's and HDL's that mono-unsaturates. Find them in foods like corn oil, sunflower oil, many margarines and oily fish 


-Too much salt-high blood pressure, damage your heart and kidneys and increase risk of stroke

-Can control salt levels by doing your own cooking or by reading labels on ready made food 

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