Families and households- mock revision

  • Created by: _bella_
  • Created on: 11-02-19 14:56

Key family policies

1942- Beveridge Report- led to NHS and implementation of welfare state, meant that the pooerest in soc. had support

1969 Divorce Reform Act- meant couples could divorce due to marital breakdown w/o finding fault

1975 Sex Discirmination Act- illegal to discriminate on grounds of sex

1970- Equal Pay Act- men and women given the same amount of pay

1991- **** within marriage made illegal 

2004 Civil Partenership Act- Gay couples given the same rights as heterosexual married couples

2014 Same Sex Marriage Act

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New Right Family Policies 1979-97

Child Support Agency (CSA) 1991- attempt to make fathers pay maintenance for their children (To discourage men from having children outside marriage/ divorced)

Many benefits cut to encourag efathers to go out and provide

Privatisation of healthcare for elderly- falling burden on family (mainly women)

Failed to make childcare free/cost less- forcing women to stay home and take on expressie role


Each reform seemed to undermine a womans position in soc. by reinforcing gender roles

Policies seem to blame single-parent families for breakdown in soc.

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New Labour policies 1997-2010

More maternity pay and leave, introduced paternity leave 

Free childcare for 2 1/2 yr olds- easier for women to return to work

The New Deal 1998- helped parents enter paid work, training or education.

Winter fuel for elderly- reducing potential for illness


Accused of being Nanny State

Overly generous, make people dependent on welfare state + Gov.

Link-New Right underclass Murray

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Family Diversity

Nuclear family- Favoured by funct., NR.

Traditional gender roles, mother + father married with children.

(2013) 18.2 million families w/ married coupels


Partners live together but unmarried, w/ or w/o children

Make up 2.9 million households (2013)

Stutchberry + Wilson- found they aren't as stable as married couples, but only due to social class.

NR this type of family contributes toi breakdown of nuclear family.

Reconstitued Family Increased w/ divorce (39% from 2003-2013) 

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Family Diversity cont.

Extended Family- Nuclear fam, w/ addition of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc

Common amongst ehnic groups (Such as Indian or Eastern European)

Beanpole Family- Developed by Brannen

Multi-gen family w/ few children + grandparents play important role

Brannen concerned w/ lack of siblings in childhood 

Single-Parent Families- One parent looking after children

Grown over 40 yrs

Same-Sex families-

5-7% of households

Dunne- there is an absence of gender scripts

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Family Diversity cont.

Living Apart Together- couples working in different locations

Choice: maintaining independence while at the same time being in a relationship

Migration: one partner works abroad

Globalisation: people work in different countries

Single Parent Households

29% of households

Product of divorce (mainly men), may be in relationships or co-parent

Feminists- positive for women as they are independent from men

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Personal Life- Smart

Considerd as Interpretivivist in its apporach


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Identifys increase in family diversity due to change in attitudes, fluidity and CHOICE

Modern sociological pers. dont apply as we're now in a postmod. soc.

Beck- Risk soc.

W/ greater choice comes greater instability in the family. See in increase in dovorce rates

Stacey- Postmod. Feminist women have more choice and benefit from this due to increase in choice

Giddens- Soc. is more individualistic and expect emotionl fulfilment from relationships

Confluent Love

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Postmodernism cont.

Postmod's argue globalistation and migration has impacted the family (LAT families and Multicultural marriages)


Ignore impact of social class and gender has on the family

Don't offer solutions to problems in the family such as domestic abuse or poverty

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