Factors Influencing Microbial Growth




  • Microbes acquire nutrients from environment for growth and metabolism with other elements generally required for survival.
  • Macro-nutrients - required in high amounts for cell components and metabolism - carb and protein synthesis.
  • Micro-nutrients - required in lesser amounts for enzyme function and protein structure maintenance (Zn, Mg, Ni)
  • Microbes either: Heterotrophs or Autotrophs
    • Heterotrophs - must obtain carbon in organic form (carbs, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids)- some simply absorbed (monosac, amino acids) but larger molecules need digestion than absorption.
    • Autotrophs - use CO2 as carbon source and convert to organic compunds - not dependent on other living things - form base of food chain.
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Nutrients 2

  • Metabolism - biochemical assimilation (in anabolic pathways) & dissimilation (in catabolic pathways) of nutrients by a cell. 
    • Anabolic pathways - include reductive process leading to production of new cellular material.
    • Catabolic pathways - oxidative processes which remove electrons from substrates or intermediates used to generate energy.

(These processes use NADP or NAD as co-factors which can be recycled to generate energy as ATP - processes are also mainly regulated by environmental factors.)

  • Major source of energy in eukaryotes is glucose - glycolysis
    • Conversion of glucose to pyruvate - production of ATP + generation of NADH for biosynthetic pathways.
    • In presence of oxygen - respiration - pyruvate enters mitochondrial matrix where its oxidatively decarboxylated to acetyl co-enzyme A by pyruvate dehydrogenase.
    • Links to citric acid cycle where acetyl CoA is oxidised = 2Co2 + NADH + FADH2
    • In absence of oxygen, pyruvate is decarboxylated to acetaldehyde (fermentation) - reduced to ethanol + 2CO2 - NAD recycled to maintain redox balance.
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Osmotic Pressure

  • Water acitivity (Aw) - amount of water available to a cell for growth.
  • Pure water Aw = 1
  • Water containing many solutes (salts, sugars) has lower Aw like 0.6
  • Bacteria get nutrients from watery environment - sensitive to osmotic pressure
  • All bacterial/plant/animal cells regulate water movement across membranes
  • Hypotonic solution - cell more concentrated - water moves in - prvent cell from bursting (lyse)
    • Microbes - rigid cell walls - maintain shape + accumulate glycerol + similar compounds to counteract effect of this water pressure. 
  • Hypertonic solution - solution more concentrated than cell - water moves out cell into surroundings - cell faces threat of dehydration.
    • If too much water lost - plasma membrane pulled away from cell wall (plasmolysis) & cell dies. 
    • To counteract dehydration - many bacterial species surround themselves with capsule/layer of mucilage, like glycan. 
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Osmotic Pressure 2

  • Osmotolerant organisms - grow over wide range of water activies - like microbes that cause sweet food spoilage.
  • Fungi can grow at lower Aw than bacteria - cause spoilage of dry foods (bread)
  • Osmophiles - microbes adapted to grow under high osmotic presure
    • Halophiles - prefer high concentration of NaCl
    • Archaea - more resistant to extreme conditions than bacteria eg: haloarchaea - thrive in Dead Sea.
    • These orgs adapted - plasma membrane + cell walls stabilze high sodium ion concentrations - accumulate K ions in cytoplasm to balance ionic strength outsid cell - cell walls lack peptidoglycan allowing more cell wall flexibility. 
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  • Each microbial species grows within defined pH range - max growth at optimum pH.
  • Most bacteria = neutrophiles - preferring growth at pH 7.
  • Some acidophiles - growing optimally at pH 1 - 5.5
  • Some alkalophiles - growing optimally at pH 8.5 - 11.5
  • Pseudophiles - like fungi - prefer slightly acidic conditions - pH 4 - 6.
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  • Microbes have preferred temp ranges
    • most bacteria & fungi prefer more moderate temperatures - upper limit below 70 degrees celcius. 
    • Archaea - survive extreme temps - some very cold(just above 0) - others very hot (80-100+)
    • Psychrophiles (cold loving microbes) - grow optimally at 15 (range 0 - 20)
    • Psychrotrophs - prefer warmer conditions (20-30) - but can survive wide range (0-35) - capable of growing on refrigerated foods.
    • Mesophiles - most human pathogens - prefer range 20-45.
    • Thermophiles - optimum = 55-65 (range 45-100) - volcanoes, hot springs.
    • Hyperthermophiles - 80+ - upper temp limitsof life. 
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Oxygen Requirements

  • Oxygen levels in environ. can vary - determines which microbes grow in diff. niches. 
  • Obligate anaerobes - find oxygen toxic and cannot grow in its presence.
    • Have to be cultured in special anaerobic cabinets in presence of N2 + Co2 gas.
  • All other microbes require and/or tolerate atmospheric oxygen (205 O2) 
    • Obligate aerobes - completely dependent on O2 
    • Facultative anaerobes - Dont require O2 but grow better in its presence.
    • Aerotolerant - not influenced by O2
    • Microaerophiles - require 2-10% O2 
  • Moulds + fungi = aerobic
  • Yeasts - facultative anaerobes
  • Bacteria found in most groupings.
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