Factors affecting development

  • Created by: holpolnor
  • Created on: 22-04-16 12:42

Poor housing conditions

Housing conditions that are damp, overcrowded and lack heating in winter can make children more likely to catch colds, which may than affect their school attendance and educational success.

Damp and poor heating is linked to bronchial probelms such as coughs and asthma.

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Poor diet

Children who eat too many conveniance food wont get the nutrients they need to grow. Children need many of the nutrients in a balanced diet to help them grow and be healthy:

  • Protein is needed for growth and repair
  • Carbohydrates are needed for energy
  • Dairy is needed for strong bones, eyes, skin and teeth
  • Small amounts of fat are needed for energy and warmth
  • Fruits and vegetables are needed for the vitamins and mineral they contain

Diets high in sugar, salt and fat lead to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Which can impact greatly on a child's future, this is why a balanced diet is important.

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Parents' lifestyle

If the children's parents smoke then the children consume the second hand smoke that the parents breate out, this makes them passive smokers and can cause bronchial problems such as:

  • Coughs
  • Asthma/ severe asthma attacks

Large amounts of second hand smoke over a long period of time can lead to an increased risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • Strokes
  • Lung cancer
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Poor personal hygiene

Children who lack clean clothes and whose parents may not set good hygiene examples are at risk of diseases as germs are more likely to pass through cross infection, which may come from other household members.

Children with poor hygiene may be more prone to headlice and may be socially excluded for their poor hygiene.

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Children who live in cities may be exposed to exhaust fumes from cars which may lead to bronchial problems like asthma or may make asthma attacks more severe and more likely.

Children who live in farming country may be exposed to chemical sprayed on nearby by land which may also cause bronchial problems like asthma.

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Lack of fresh air and exercise

Living in a city or a high-rise flat means its more difficult to get outside and exercise. A lack of fresh air may lead to bronchial problems and a lack of exercise could result in obesity or other weight problems. Not going outside could also lead to a vitamin D deficiancy as vitamin d is normally made by the body using sunlight on the skin.

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There are many advantages to having pets but poor pet hygiene in the family can spread disease and dirt can be transferred into the house by pets that go outdoors. Some people are also allergic to pets so they may find them very irritating and may sneeze or come out in a rash due to being in close proximety of pets.

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