F105ECO Rent Gradients


Van Thunen/Alonso Value Theory Rent-Bid Curves

Van Thunen Model: Higher Rents the closer you get to the centre; costs saved, revenues boosted by having  greater accessibility. this is based on transport cost savings

General Accessibility

Def: The advantage of a particular location in terms of the movement costs(including time) that are saved, and the revenue (or utility) earing capacity that it generates.

Alonso Model: Productivity of land determines rent: principle that rents diminish as costs increase and revenue decreases

Different land uses have different gradients with highest rent prevailing

the competative bidding of land determines the land pattern of the urban area. allocating between uses ensuring best and highest use

change of use gradient when one gradient falls below another

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Alonso's Theory adds 'Value' to Burgess's concentr

Basic land use model Concentric Zone; Burgess's zones were a study on Chicago in the 1920's

  • Central Business District
  • Zone in transition
  • Low income housing and factories
  • Higher income housing
  • Commuter Zone

As the concentric one increase outwardly accessibility, rent and density are reduced.

  • Land use can is spatially and functionally fragmented (but it can also be homogonised)
  • Accessibility may be unimportat for householders; commercial users may find it disadvantagous especially if they have cornered a market
  • CBD may find rent decreases with increased congestion
  • No Account of topography
  • little account to routeways and rail links and industrial use
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Development of Axial Patterns from Burgess Radial

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Further Land Use Theories with implications for re

Sectoral Patterns (Hoyt)

high quality housing along the speediest routes

Multiple Nuclei Patterns (Ullman Harris)

Social Class (Mann)

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Critcal Analysis of Alonso's Theory

The theory has had much criticism but has stood the test of time and has some merit by attempting to demostrate the nature of the land market and it emphasises the notion of efficiency in the use of urban land

Developers information is not always complete

uniqueness of buildings

owners with monopolistic powers

no account of public sector land

ignores external/spillover effects of specific land uses on other property

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