E/Z isomerism

A brief overview of the title


What is E/Z isomerism

The most important point of this chapter is. Double bonds CANNOT rotate

Single bonds can rotate, but double bonds cannot, they are quite rigid.

Stereoisomers have the same structural formula but a different arrangement

Because of the lack of rotation around the double bond, some alkenes can have stereoisomers.

Stereoisomers happen when the double bonded carbon atom each have different atoms/groups attached to them. You can have an "E-isomer" or a "Z-isomer". E stands for entgegen which means opposite in German. Z stands for zuesammen which means together.

If the Mr of the highest atom/molecule is on different sides from each other, this is an E isomer. If they are on the same side, this is a Z isomer. When I mention sides, I am talking about on the same side of the double bond

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Polymers are long chained monomers with a repeating unit

The repeating unit is the part of the polymer that always occurs. If you wish to find the monomer of the repeating unit, just add a double bond between the carbons

Polymers are not reactive, because they do not have the double bond

Polymers do not break down most of the time, so its best to recycle them

Polymers are normally made out of non-renewable oil fractions, so they can melted and remoulded

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