Eyptian Factors (Detailed)

Details of the factors that affected progress in Egypt.

BBC Bitesize.


Egyptian progress factors (1)

  • Government: King Priests called Pharoas ruled Egypt. They employed Palace Physicians. (E.g. Imhotep)
  • Society: Farming, the first laws, towns and social conventions and specialisation of roles (e.g. carpenters, scribes). Observations made by farmers on the irrigation channels led to the Channel Theory. Basic hygeine habits (latrines and baths) started. A role for doctors emerged.
  • Religion: dominated people's thinking, and required temples, priests, and rituals such as mummification- advanced priests' knowledge of internal organs (improved bandaging). Professional doctors developed from the priesthood. The idea of cleanliness was religious (not medical) concept in Egyptian society.
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Eyptian Civilisation (2)

  • Writing and Calculation: helped send orders all over the country.Taxes were collected, people payed for land ownership, measured the flooding of the Nile, built Pyramids- everyone learned to count.
  • Trade and Travel: They traded and travelled all over the world, discovering new herbs and spices to be used in treatment. Medical knowledge travelled all over the world and some egyptian doctors became famous.
  • Observation: Observed the stars, seasons and behaviour of the Nile (and irrigation channels). Priests/doctors observed the internal organs of the body during mummification.They observed patients carefully as part of their diagnosis.They observed and recorded whether their cures worked or not. Most importantly, the example of irrigation channels led them to develop the Channel Theory of illness.
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