Eyewitness testimony -effect of age

The effect of age on EWT

Following experiments are all Natural or Quasi experiments becuase the independent variable (age) varies naturally


the effect of age on EWT

Brassard -found that younger children (4 year olds) were more likely to be affected by the cues given by the interviewer than older children (8 year olds).

Memon et al -found that the accuracy of 60-82 year olds dropped when identification was delayed for a week.

Parker and Carranza- found that primary school children were more likely to choose someone from a mock up line, but they were also more likely to make errors.

Yarney-compared young and old adults and found that older adults were less confident but not less acurate when recalling aconfederate.

Anastasi and Rhodes-Found that younger (18-25) and middle age (35-45) were more accurate in identifying the target faces than older adults (55-78)


Own age bias - the apparent superior performance of younger adults may have been because the faces to be recognised were from their age groups-

Anastasi and Rhodes also found  that all age groups were accurate in identifying target photographs from their age group.

Brigham and Melpas - different experience hypothesis -the less contact we have with people from different age groups, the poorer our ability to discriminate between indivilduals in this groups.

Research methods

Contrived studies -pps may not behave as they would in everyday life.May not take task seriously or may look for cues.

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