Extreme Environment Revision

Revision cards for EE


Describe and explain how a physical process (glaciation) has shaped the landscape of the area

  • Ice starts to form on the high side of the mountain known as zone of accumulation
  • Many years later, ice becomes thicker and heavier 
  • Ice moves down the mountian
  • When ice is thickened in a hollow shape, parts of mountain is abrased, eroded and plucked
  • This removes the rock underneath the ice
  • Thousand of years later glacier removes the rock, forming a corrie
  • When there is two or more corrie side by side and in between a sharp knife ridged, an arete is formed
  • When 3 corries form this is known as pyramidal peak
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Describe and explain how a physical process (plate tectonics) has shaped the landscape of the area

  • Andes was formed by destructive plate boundary where the plates moved towards each other. 
  • This is known as fold mountain
  • The Oceanic  crust of the Nazca plate moved towards, the South American plate
  • Oceanic crust was forced underneath the continental crust of South American at the Chile trench
  • This has pushed the land up creating the longest mountian range
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Describe and explain three characteristics that affect the climate in the Andes

1) Aspect > direction which you face affects the climate, For example, if you face leeward then the wind is protected and the weather wouldn't be as cold,but if you are facing windward, then the direction of the wind is towards which means the weather would be colder and there will be much more wind

2) Altitude > In the mountain,the atmosphere is very thin and the higher we go up the mountain the higher the altitude is. High altitude means there is a lack fo oxygen making it difficult for us to breathe and could lead to altitude sickness.

3) Relief Rainfall > warm mosit is pushed in, so as you go higher in the mountain it will be colder as the moist will condense and rain

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