Examples of application of utilitarianism


Application of Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory which is still used today and can easily be appplied to a range of ethical issues.

For utilitarians, contracedption is morally acceptable for couples who are happy without children or who already have children and want to limit their family size to have a higher standard of living for existing chidlren, in order to promote the greatest amount of happiness.

Utilitarians would consider the issue of two consenting adults who are happily involved in a same sex relationship with each other as being moral. This is in contrast to the natural law approach which considers this behaviour to be immoral.

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Utilitarianism Positives and Negatives


  • As an ethical theory which helps people judge whether something ir moral or immoral utilitarianism is based on sound principles. Any theory which azttempts to promote the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people in society could be considered to be beneficial. Utilitarianism 'doesnt support individual pursuits that are at the expense of the majority'
  • Utilitarianism is a very simplistic theory 'based on clear principles' it is argued that utilitarianism is universally more acceptable than natural law because it does not depend on religious beliefs as thompson comments, utilitarianism does not 'require the acceptance of any prior beliefs about the naturew of the world or of religion, and its moral discussions can therefore be appreciated across different religions and cultures'


  • It fails to recognise the importance of personal relationships, if a utilitarianism was forced to choose between a rescuing scientist who posessed a cure for cancer or his wife from a fire, he is morally obligated to rescue the scientis because of the number of lives he would save in reality it is more likely we would follow our instincs and do what is most important for us personally and save our spouse.
  • It morally justifies discrimination against minorities. it can justify 'horrendous acts as being for the pleasure of the many' such as the persecution and extermination of the jews because the greater population were brainwashed into thiking that this was pleasurable.
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