Evolutionary Approach to Gender

  • Created by: jg1234
  • Created on: 19-02-16 16:15


parental investment theory

- looks at human reproductive behaviour 

- males are promiscious and females are selective 

- male investment in offspring are low 

- females investment in offsrping are high 

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Trivers AO2

- it isn't scientific 

- the results are based in the past 

- it has real world application - people are easily able to see these types of behaviour in the real world 

- it is high in mundane realism - the results can easily be applied to everyday life 

- nature v nurture 

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pair bonds

- pairs have developed as it has improved the odds of conception and successful childrearing 


  • this can be seen easily in the real world 
  • it isn't very scientific 
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sexual selection

- argues that certain characteristics that a person has boosts reporductive success 


- there is real world application 

- it isn't scientific 

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Clark & Hatfield

  • males and females approached strangers of the opposite sex 
  • based on a uni campus with students 
  • they asked the strangers 3 questions:

- will you go out with me tonight 

- will you come back to my house with me 

- will you have sex with me 

  • 50% of men and women agreed to going out that night 
  • no women agreed to sex but 75% of men did 
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Clark & Hatfield AO2

- the campus may be a situational variable

- social desireability effect - if the people being asked are with friends they may gave different asnwers to what they would if they were on their own 

- there is low mindane realism as the experiment has been made to seem artifical 

- it can't be fully generalised as it only uses students 

- there is low internal validity as it isn't a controlled experiment 

- the findings may be artefact of the research situation 

- it is very reliable as it can easily be repeated 

- it supports the findings of Trivers

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- there is evidence for the approach in the real world 

- the approach is very deterministic - it negelcts free will and says one thing will determine the behaviour of the other thing 

- it neglects culture - there may be differences between other cultures that aren't western eg collectivist cultures 

- it is less relevant in a contemporary society - most of the research is based in the past eg males may now invest more in their offspring 

- the approach is very sexist 

- it isn't a scientific appraoch

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