Evaluations of the cognitive approach.


Biology and cognitive.

  • The studies of the cognitvie approach often employ highly controlled, specialised scientfic equipment.
  • For example lab studies and PET scans.
  • This means that the cognitive approach has combined both psychology and biology together and explained it well with evidence.
  • This means that the cognitive approach has scientific credibillity.
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The over reliance on computers.

  • The cognitive approach uses the 'computer analogy' to express the similarites of a computer and the human mind, and this is quite a successful comparison.
  • On the other hand, many researchers and cognitive psychologists have critisied the comparison by saying that humans have emotions and computers don't.
  • Many studies have revealed that emotions do have an affect on the mind.
  • For example Johnson and Scott (1976) anxiety on witnessing a crime.
  • This is evidence that suggests emotions are very significant when recalling (using your memory).
  • Because the cognitive approach overlooks the importance of emotions it suggests that the cognitive approach has not been studied in great detail.
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Lacks external validity.

  • The cogntive approach also uses artifical stimuli and lab studies in experiments researching the approach.
  • This is important because the results do not mimic everyday life.
  • For example recall of a word list whilst being hooked to brain scanners does not represent everyday life.
  • This memans the results lack external validity.
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Beneficial for everyday life.

  • The cognitive approach has been massively beneficial for society in everyday life.
  • For example, discovering a link between the Parahippocampal gyrus and OCD has not only created awarness of OCD but may bring psychologists and biologists closer to discovering possible cures for the mental dissorder.
  • In addition to this, the research of the cognitive approach has also created more development for AI (artificial intelligence).
  • These are both likely to be revolutionary for the technology industry and developing our knolledge of mental dissorders.
  • Therefore showing that the approach is massively benefical for humans now and in the future.
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Free will suggested.

  • The cognitive approach expresses the idea that we are free to think before responding to a stimulus.
  • This is a massive contrast to Behaviourism that suggests the response of a stimulus will be surely based on previous conditiong and reinforcement.
  • The cognitive approach suggestion of free will is much more reliable and reasonable to believe whereas behaviourism isn't.
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