Evaluations of caregiver-infant interaction


Hard to understand infants.


When observing infants it is very difficult to understand there actions which could lead to exageration.


Many studies exagerate that because changes in facial expression or hand gestures have changed that interactions are different.


This couldnt be more wrong, the same facial expression will not be consistent throughout the whole time of interaction, the studies completely undermine the external factors such as hunger which could induce crying.

This brings us back  to the orignal point that because we fail to understand the childs emotions or feeling we try compensate with factors we already know lowering the internal validity of the studies.

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Controlled procedures.


Many studies involving infant attachment are carried out with extreme care and control.


For example having different camera angles.


Having different camera angles can be very advantageous as it allows deeper analysis of the infant which could be carried out by a third party outside of the experiment. this along with the fact that infants fail to understand they are being observed will boost the ecological validity of the experiment.


This in return displays how controlled the experiments or observations are.

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Purpose for reciprocity and synchrony.


Observations and experiments have shown synchrony and reciprocity take place, however what is the purpose of them.


Feldman simply points out that they describe behaviours that occur at the same time.


This information is not very useful in telling us why it is happening or why it should happen, this tells me that research in reciprocity and synchrony needs to be furthered in order to be successful in the feild of attachment.


However research such as Isabelle and researchers in 1989 suggest that it the better the synchrony the better quality of attachment.

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Socially sensitive subject


Mothers who return to work early could find a weaker attachment to the infant. However this puts the mother in a bad postion


Interactional synchrony is less likely to take place if the mother returns to work early.


This creates a sense of imprisonment by emotion, the mother may want to return to work and earn espically if she doesn't have a partner however, if she does she maybe viewed as by society as a 'bad mother' so she has to choose earn money to buy food for the baby or interact, either one can cause there life to be ruined.


This shows that Mothers have to choose one or the other which puts them in a bad postion.

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Potential value to society


Interactional synchrony could improve attachment as discovered by Isabelle et al 1989.


Crotwell et al 2013 furthered Isabelle's research and showed that PCIT would help attachement.


Parent Child Interaction Therapy is shown to massively helped interactional synchrony between infants and 20 low income mother.


This shows that interactional synchrony maybe benefical in society.

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