Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

  • Created by: Will Lang
  • Created on: 19-10-16 15:13

Eukaryotic cels

Eukaryotic cells consist of animal and plants. They both have a cell membrane, cytoplasm and a genetic material-filled nucleus. 

The genetic material is a chemical known as DNA. It forms the structure of chromosomes inside of the nucleus.

They are between 10-100 micrometres and cannot be seen by the human eye. Only high level light microscopes and all electron microscopes can view them. 

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Prokaryotic cells

Prokaryotic cells are bacterial cells. 

They contain a cell membrane, slime capsule (not always), cell wall, plasmids, flagella, gentetic material and cytoplasm. The structures that are found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells operate in the same way. 

The flagella acts as a tail to manoevre the cell across a substance.

Plasmids are rings of DNA which assist in antibiotic resistance. 

There is no nucleus and the genetic material is found in rings.

Bacteria can be harmful and causes disease.

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