Ethics B603

 Monday 13th May 2013

  • Created by: emma
  • Created on: 03-05-13 10:23

B603 quotations

  • " God created man in his own image- Genesis
  • "I hate Divorce"- God says in Malachi
  • men and women "become one flesh" in marriage- Genesis
  • "Thou shallt not commit adultery"- Seventh Commandment
  • "Be fruitful and increase in number"- God commands Adam and Eve
  • God made Adam and "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life"-Genesis
  • "Do not murder"- Exodus
  • "There is a time to live and a time to die"- Ecclesiastes
  • "The body is a temple of the Holy spirit"
  • "As I have loved you,so you must love one another"- John
  • "Love your neighbour as yourself- Mark
  • "Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength"- Mark- said by Jesus
  • "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"- Luke
  • "The spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has annointed me to preach good news to the poor"-  Luke
  • "You cannot serve both God and Money"- Mathew
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Quotations 2

  • "Love of money is the root of all evil"- Paul says
  • "Love your neighbour as yourself"
  • " For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat"- Mathew
  • "Within everyone is Christ, and therefore they would be helping Christ"- Blessed Mother Teresa
  • "Keep the Sabbath holy"- So Christians don't work on Sundays- Exodus
  • "Charge no interest"- help others without charging them interest- Exodus
  • "The body is a temple of the Holy Spirit"- 1 Corinthians
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Religion and Human relationships- Different denomi

  • Roman Catholic and Orthodox don't allow Women to be ordained- because Jesus only chose men to be his discipes and at the Eucharist the priest represents Jesus.
  • Roman Catholics and Orthodox regard marriage as being a sacrament- an outward visible sign but an inner spiritual grace.
  • The Christian church believes that it's a sin to have sexual relations with someone if you aren't married to eachother, because of the vow to be faithful that they take before God.
  • Roman Catholic church and Church of England are against civil partnerships- because they say that marriage is the proper place for sexual activity to occur, and that one of the main points of sex is to create new life, but homsexuals cannot.
  • Roman Catholic Church sees homosexual sex as being masturbation- which they say is always wrong, because it's the misuse of genitalia and a sin of Onan.
  • Methodist church is open to homosexuality, but they are against homosexual sex, and they won't bless civil partnerships.
  • The Quakers fully accepts homosexual relationships
  • Most Christian churches say that homosexual feeling are acceptable as there is nothing that you can do about it, but they believe that they should live celibate lives and homosexual activity is a sin.
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Religion and Human relationships- different denomi

  • The Orthodox church allows divorced people to remarry a second or third time
  • Roman Catholic church accepts divorce,  but sees the poeple as still being married, as marriage is a sacrament that cannot be broken, if they have sex with someone else or remarry they are not allowed to recieve communion as they are comitting a sin.
  • In most Christian churches divorce is allowed, but Christians try and do whatever they can to prevent the divorce, like counselling, praying, or speaking to the priest/ minister.
  • Roman Catholic church , says the priests must take a vow of celibacyas the church thinks if a priest was married he would be distracted from loing and serving God.
  • All Christian churches are against adultery and fornication (2 people unmarried who have sex), they think that these are going against the real point of sex, to create new life.
  • Some churches allow people who live together in an intimate relationship but are unmarried into their congregation but most will not.
  • The Roman Catholic Church is against artificial contraception
  • Some other churches accept the use of artificial contraception so make sure children are planned and wanted.
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Religion and Medical Ethics- Denominations opinion

  • Christians believe all human life should be treated with respect- because Christians believe that God has given them their life and so they have the responsibilty of caring for themsleves and others.
  • Roman Catholics belive life begins at Conception, on the first day of pregnancy.
  • Some Christians believe that the Foetus isn't a person until later on in the pregnancy, when it can be more recognised as a human, at about 22 weeks.
  • Roman Catholics believe Killing an unborn child is wrong, except if the mother would die.
  • The Church of England is against abortion, but will allow it if the child will have disabilites, or the mother was ***** and became pregnant.
  • The Methodist Church says abortion is evil, but syas it's a lesser of two evils if the child is born with an incurable disease etc.
  • Some Christians are more willing to accept early abortions than those which occur later on in the pregnancy.
  • Some Christians believe that fertility treatments should be encouraged because they bring people hapiness if they are unable to have their children naturally.
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Religion and Medical Ethics- denominations opinion

  • Other Christians believe that Fertility treatment is wrong, because they belive God chooses who had children or not. This is part of the teaching about "The Sancity of life"
  • Roman Catholics belive life begins at conception, which causs a problem with fertility treatments like IVFas speare embryos can be produced and thrown away, used for medical research or stored, they belive this goes against the sixth commandment. "Thou shallt not kill"
  • Roman Catholic Church blieve having a baby isn't a right, but a divine gift.
  • The Roman Catholic Church is against AID "with a donor"- becuase they believe that this is adultery.
  • Some people are against fertility treatment as it may be used by people in a homosexual relationship or who aren't in a relationship at all, or maybe are too old to give birth to their own children.
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Religion and Medical ethics- denominations opinion

  • Most Christians feel that if cloning of a person is possible it is unacceptable
  • Many Christians feel that research into therapeutic cloning is going against God as it is unnatural- because each person has individuality given by God and we should not play God"
  • Others say that humans have a responsibility to care for human life and if therapeutic cloning will help them, then in the long-term as long as it's controlled, it is a good thing.
  • Roman Catholic Church teaches that cloning is wrong as it is against "the sancity of life" as a large number of fertilised eggs can be destroyed.
  • Christian's teach that the "sancity of life" means that humans are not told for science, even if the intentions are good.
  • Most Christians are against suicide, although they recognise that people have obviously gone beyond the point of making rational descisions.
  • Most Christians belive that the response to suicide should be loving and forgiving, and people who attempt suicide should be helped to oversome their reasons f wanting to commit suicide. People who do kill themselves shoudl be respected and understood, not condemned.
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Medical Ethics- Against suicide reasons

Christians may be against suicide because:

  • God chooses when people are born and die
  • Suffering brings people closer to God
  • Suicide is a form of murder
  • Paul said the body is a temple of the holy spirit and so should be repsected and looked after.
  • Suicide is sometimes seen as being a sin against The Holy Spirit, whci hstops them entering Heaven. In the past, this meant that suicides could not be buried in holy ground.
  • Suicide can be seen as being selfish, towards the people they left behind
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Religion and Medical Ethics- denominations opinion

  • Roman Catholic Church is against Euthanasia- because it is murder. They teach that treatments like feeding a patient must be continued, but extraordinary treatment like a complicated operation that is unlikely to succed should not be done.
  • Anglican churches teaches are similar to the Roman Catholic saying that the taking of human life is forbidden, but there are strong arguments saying that humans should not be kept alive at all costs, if they are suffering in intolerable pain.
  • The Quakers- there is no united agrrement on Euthanasia, they mus do whatever is the most loving thing to do.
  • Many Christians support the Hopice movement- where they care for the dying, by caring for the patients extreme pain (paliative care), they give the dying person a happy end to life, giving them love, care and support without killing them so taht they have a "good death".
  • Many Christians and non-believers consider the life of the patient. Christians would want to compare this to the "sancity of life", and decide upon which is better, depending on the circumstances.
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Religion and Medical Ethics- denominations opinion

  • Many Christians follow their individual consciences as to whether animals should be used for medical research. However  most Christians agree that animals are par tof God's creation and so should be treated with care and not hurt unnecessarily.
  • Roman Catolic Church and Anglican church both consider animal testing an important method of testing life-saving drugs, but the animals should not eb hurt unescessarily.
  • The Quakersare against experimenting on animals for things like cosmetics, but then they are split on whether animals should be used to help save lives, as they believe to say you love God but then impose cruelty onto his creations is a contradiction.
  • However many Christians don't approve of using animals for medical experiments, as they believe humans and animals have the same origin in God.
  • Many Christians would be happy to eat animals, as they are tld to do in Peter's vision, but they still believe animals should not have to suffer.
  • Christians believe people should be more concerned about gaining spiritual gifts into Heaven.
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Religion, Poverty and Wealth- denominations opinio

  • Christians believe people should be more concerned about gaining spiritual gifts into Heaven.
  • Roman Catholic Church says that rich countries have a responsibility to help countries that need it.
  • Church of England nations should work together and help eachother
  • Some people believe that it's the devil that brings disasters, to test people's faith.
  • Other people believe that God allows the Devil to tempt people to show him how strong their faith is. An example is: The Book of Job, where Job is tested. The devil is also called the Adversary in this book.
  • Many Christians try to follow Jesus's path of healing the sick.
  • Many Christians believe that praying is an important part of caring for the poor.
  • Christians believe that they should follow Jesus and care for the poor through living and teaching the word of The Gospel.
  • Christians concern for the poor also influences how they shoudl spend their money. They dn't belive money is evil itself but if someone puts their desires of beng rich before serving God, then this becomes evil. Jeus explains this in the parable of te Rich man and Lazarus.
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Religion, Poverty and Wealth- denominations opinio

  • Many Christians are against gambling, and maybe against raffles to raise money. References are in Luke, where Jesus throws the money lenders out of the temple.
  • Actions of the Early Church should encourage Christians today to share with eachother.
  • Christians believe that there are many ways that they can help the poor, by giving money to charity or giving of their talents like expertise or time.
  • Some Christian doctors and nurses may not want to take part in abortion.
  • Methodist Church and The Salvation Army are against the use of alcoholand don't want to be in its production or distribution, but they don't try and force it upon other people.
  • Some Christians would find working in a Sunday difficult, becasue their beliefs about Sunday being a day of rest and worship.
  • Christians might believe helping others, like being a nurse, policeman etc is a MORAL occupation because Jesus said "Love one another".
  • Christians might become involved in caring for the environment (stewardship) , because of teachings in Genesis.
  • Most Christians believe any job that helps others is a MORAL occupation.
  • Some Christians believe it's worng for someone who is a Christian to be rich when there are poeple starving because of lack of money.
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Key words

  • Eucharist-A Christian Sacrament that is about the last supper, where the priest gives the congregation wine and bread.
  • Nuptial Mass- Special Eucharist celebrated at a wedding.
  • Sacrament- An outward physical sign or an inward invisible worship.
  • Annulment- A declaration that a marriage was never a proper marriage in the eyes of the church, e.g one of the parties wasn't properly comitted.
  • Economy- An act done out of concern for others.
  • Agape- Selfless love
  • Celibate- Someone who doesn't have sex
  • Chastity-Not having sex because of religious views, for example: being a nun or monk
  • Cohabition- To live together without being married
  • Fornication- Sexual activity between two non- married people
  • Parousia(second coming)- the prophesy that Jesus will return and judge humanity at the end of the world
  • Abortifacient- drug or device that cause an abortion
  • Natural contraception- "family planning", where you have sex when you're the least fertile.
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Key words

  • Sancity of Life- Belief there is something special or holyabout life.
  • Soul- Non- physical part of a person that may go to Heaven when someone dies.
  • AID- Conception by a Donor ( Artificial insemination by Donor)
  • AIH- Artificial conception by husband (Artificial insemination by husband)
  • IVF- When sperm and an egg are put together in a tube, until an embryo is formed, and then it is placed in the womb. ( In vitro Fertilisation)
  • Doctine of double effect- If doing something morally good has a bad side- effect.It's right to do, because the side-effect wasn't intended.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy-A Foetus starts to grow in the Fallopian tube rather than the womb
  • Therapeutic cloning- where single cells are taken from a person or embryo and reprogrammed tobe used in medical treatments.
  • Suffering- physical,mental or spiritual pain
  • Sin- an act against God's wishes
  • Dominion- authority or rule
  • stewardship-looking after something for someone else
  • palliative care- care given to a terminally ill person to help them die in as much comfort as possible.
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Key words

  • Faith- belief without proof
  • Omnibenevolence- All- good
  • Kingdom of God- Jesus preached about The Kingdom of God, a time when everyone would live in harmony according to God's teachings.
  • Absolute Poverty- When soemone doesn't have eough money to buy even essentials like water, food and shelter
  • Relative Poverty- When someone doesn't have enough money to buy luxury items and is considered poor by other people in that society.
  • Parables- Stories told by Jesus which have a moral message.
  • Immoral Occupation- A job considered sinful, and immoral like prostitution
  • Moral Occupation- A job that's seen as being very moral and good, like a nurse
  • Vocation- A calling from God
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  • In the new testament there are examples of Women like Lydia who appear to be in authority in the Church
  • In the second creation story, man was made first and then women second as a "help mate" so that's why some people say women are lesser.
  • Marriage is seen as a gift from God and part of God's plan for creation.
  • The ring in marriage, represents staying together for eternity.
  • On 5th December 2005 Civil partnerships became legal in the UK
  • Civil partnerships by law don't have religious content in them
  • Divorce is not welcome in the Old Testament
  • In 1981 the Church of England said that people can remarry in church
  • Christians believe that each person has a "soul", which doesn't die when the bdy and mind die, but lives on after death. It is the soul that is judged by God and which can join God in Heaven for ever.
  • Most countries have banned the use of cloning to produce humans
  • In the past suicide was considered a serious crime and a sin.
  • The Samaritans is and organisation that gives helpsul, confidential, emotional support for anyone needing it.
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There are different types of Euthanasia:

  • Voluntary Euthanasia- also called "assisted suicide" when you wish to get someone to help you end your own life
  • Involuntary Euthanasia- When someone decides it would be best for that person to die, because the patient is unable to make their own decision.
  • Active Euthanasia- When an action is taken which causes soemone to die, like an overdose in Lethal drugs, this is illegal.
  • Passive Euthanasia- Whena decision is made to end treatment, like medicne, but it will still cause the person to die.
  • The Bible teaches that humans hoave a role of STEWARDSHIP over the Earth and should care for it.
  • In the past, animals were considered lesser than humans and many Christians don't belive animals have souls or can have a relationship with God.
  • Medical experiments tested on animals have helped create vaccines for Polio, treatments for Asthma etc
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  • Fairness and Justice for everyone, especially the poor is one of the main teachings of Christianity.
  • In the middle Ages the Plague was considered to be a punishment for the sins of the world.
  • However recently, religious leaders have said that HIV, is the "gay plaque", God's punishment for Gay people.
  • Jesus was clear that people who wished to follow God should give away their riches.
  • In Christianity there is also a principle called "affective poverty", when someone can separate themsleves form money or posessions.
  • Christian Aid, CAFOD and Tearfund and 3 Christian charities
  • Christians should do nothing to harm other, so some would not want to work in the army or be involved in the buying or selling of weapons.
  • Christians should not be involved in the buying or selling of illegal objects.
  • Lending money at interest, gives different responses from different Christians, as Jesus thought it was acceptable but in the Old Testament  it wasn't approved of.
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very good thank you!

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