Equality and Injustice

  • Created by: LeahJG15
  • Created on: 14-05-17 20:46

Equality and Injustice

Prejudice: A negative view of someone based on an unfounded or unreasonable idea; can lead to acts of discrimination.

Discrimination: To act unfairly towards a person or group of people; to put prejudice into action; to exclude people from equal treatment.

Intolerance: Inability to accept other peoples views, beliefs or practices.

Bigotry: A person who has strong unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life.

Racism: To show hatred, unfairness or even violence to people because of their race; the idea that one race is superior to another.

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Equality and Injustice

Social Injustice

Religious- Discrimination on those who have different relgious views

Gender- Discrimination on those who are of a different gender, usually women

Disability- Discrimiation on those who do not have the same ability as everyone else.

Age- Discrimination on those who are of a different age, usually old.

Economic- Discrimination on those who have less or more money than others

Racial- Discrimination on those who are a different race to other.

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Equality and Injustice

Social Injustice

1. God will not tolerate social injustice, 'I will never forget their evil deeds' Amos 8:7

2. Christians have a responsiblity to help those who are victims of social injustice, Paul says,' Remember the needy'. The prophet Isaiah says,' Share your food with the hungry and open your homes to the homeless and poor. Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear' Isaiah 58:5-6

3.  In the Parable of the Sheep and Goats, Jesus teaches that whatever Christians do for the vulnerable, it is as if they are doing it to him. 'And the King will say,'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me' Matt 25:37-40.

4. If Christians ignore the needs of the poor and suffering it is hard for them to claim that they love God. 'Rich people who see a brother or sister in need, yet close their hearts againsts them, cannot claim that they love God.' 1 John 3:17-18

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Equality and Injustice

Racial Inequality and Injustice

Blatant racial acts

  • Attacked because of the colour of their skin or of their foreign language
  • Verbal abuse
  • Dogs being set loose,cars being vandalised
  • Racist Gestures
  • Physical Attacks

More Subtle discriminatory acts

  • Discrimination when finding jobs
  • Discrimination in school room
  • Racial based jokes
  • Discrimination in public
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Equality and Injustice

Bible teaches that all humans are made equal.

  • God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
  • There is no difference between Jew and Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus. Genesis 3:28

Social injustice/ prejudice/ racism is considered a sin.

Bible teaches that Christians should think carefully about how they treat others.

  • Do for others what you want them to do for you. Matthew 7:12

Jesus teahes we should love everyone

  • Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Matthew 22:39
  • We should never declare anyone impure or unclean. Acts 10
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Equality and Injustice

Religious Inequality-Inter-faith Understanding

This has included showing hospitality to minority communities, helping members of other faiths in times of crisis and developing dialogue with one or more religions. The emphasis has been on Christians being involved with other faiths without trying to convert them.

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Equality and Injustice

The Inclusion of Other Religions in Religious Studies

Why should we teach other religions in RS?

  • Shows respect to followers/believers of other religions
  • Gives us a better understanding of the beliefs and practices of other religions- society is multi-cultural/multi-faith and this should be reflected in the syllabus
  • Helps promote inter-faith understanding
  • Teachers correct 'inter-faith' dialogue. Allows you to converse with someone of a different religion without offending them.

What religions should be taught?

  • Top 3 religions within NI
  • Top 6 religions globally
  • Top 3 religions within the school.
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Equality and Injustice

Who might find this difficult and why?

  • Some parents/pupils may object to learning about other religions
  • Could result in future generations not being as passionate about their faith or lead to confusion.
  • Teachers would have to ensure that all religions would be taught in a balanced way- need to prevent presenting aspects as being glamorous and not showing 'darker' aspects.
  • Cultural heiritage of NI could be lost
  • If we were to go to another country, inclusion of Christianality  would not be made.
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Equality and Injustice

Christian Acts of Worship in Schools- It is law for children to pray at school everyday

What value has a Christian act of worship?

  • Brings the whole school together, usually at the start of the school day
  • Even people who don't believe in the religion they could take a moral from the reading or prayer which could help the situation that they are in
  • We still live in a Christian deemed country so peope believe that it is good to have Christian readings to reflect the Christianity within the country

What are the arguements against it?

  • Could single out children who aren't of that religion
  • Parents may not believe in Christian acts of worship as it goes against their beliefs
  • Forcing people to believe in something when they don't actually believe it.
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Equality and Injustice

The wearing of Religious Dress in Schools

Arguments for Religious Dress

  • If they aren't allowed to wear their dress it could be an aspect of breaking their faith
  • Religion is a part of you. If you can't express your religion you can't express yourself.
  • It shouldn't affect their education wearing religious dress
  • Welcomes a sign of diversity within the society.

Arguments against Religious Dress

  • Hard for teacher to include pupil in class and to recognise pupil
  • It doesn't say in Quran that women should cover their whole body- just privae parts- schools could argue that their uniforms cover this.
  • Because of the veil people automatically label the person as a muslim instead of learning about their identity
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Equality and Injustice

Problems For Those Who Belong to a Minority Faith Group

School Life and Work

  • Not being able to find time to pray each day
  • Pupils required to wear uniform to work. Stops religious dress
  • Could be bullied for being different

Practical Problems

  • Might need facilities to practice their religion-eg, mosque, synagogue
  • Hard to buy religious dress
  • Muslims find it hard to complete the 5 pillars to fast and continue on with everyday life
  • Language Barrier
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Equality and Injustice

Discrimination and Prejudice

  • Verbally or physically attacked or bullied
  • Isolated or excluded from society.
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