

  • Created by: harry
  • Created on: 09-01-12 20:42


Enzymes are proteins!

They are globular proteins, acts as  catalysts- speeds up reactions without being used up. They are specific they are only catalyse one subtrate. They are tertiary proteins ith a globular shp, the active site is where the reaction takes place. The specific substrate is complementary to active site. Th(monosacchirides)e activity is affected by temperature and PH. They are very important in digestion as they hyrolyse polyermers into monomers.

eg: Substrate--> enzyme--> product. Maltose(di)-->maltase-->glucose+ glucose mono

Enzymes and endotherms: Endothermic organisms are those whihc can maintain their constand internal temperature independently. This ensures that enzymes can function at optimum temps and allos endothermic organisms to survive on land and water.

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interracelular and extracellular enzymes

Organisms that obtain their nutrienttes by consuming other organisms are known as hetrotrophs. Some organiss secrete (release) enzymes outsde themselves onto the food souce. These exrcellular enzymes hydrolyse glucosidic, peptide and ester bonds and then the organimsm reabsorbs the soluble monomers and uses them. Other organisms have their own internal digestive system whihc secrets digestive enzymes, these enzymes are also extracelular beacuse they releaed and use outside the cell. Any enzyes that are found in cytoplasm are attached to a cell membrane are descrbed as interacellular enzymes, they work inside the cell.

Enzymes and protection: WBC called phagocytes take in and digest bacteria using lysosomal enzymes.

Enzyme action: Lock and key model: enzymes ave specfic shaped active site which is complementary to the shape of the subtrate.

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Indued fir model: Substarte collides with the actv

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