
  • Created by: fayeS0
  • Created on: 08-10-17 20:15



An enterprise is a willingness to take risks, and show initiative in order to establish new business ventures.

taking risks --> showing initiative --> undertaking new ventures

An entrepreneur is a person who has a business idea. They then go onto develop the idea and organise the resources to see the idea through.

A consumer is someone who buys/uses goods and services.

a customer is someone who you supply goods to in exchange for money.

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Products and services

Products and services 

A product  is a tangible item, that you can phsically buy and use 

Like clothes or food 

A service is something that you experience. A service requires specialist skills and you normally cannot complete the service yourself.

Like police or transport

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Reasons for business start up

Reasons for business start up

  • make more money
  • change or challenge 
  • want to be your own boss 
  • as a sideline to existing job 
  • thinking that you can do something better or cheaper yourself 
  • to make use of resources you already have 
  • need to follow trends
  • gap in the market
  • using specific training 
  • turning hobbies into a business 

market orientation  is providing products that customers want

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the four types of purchases

routine purchases 

everyday purchases which require little to no thought.

like bread and milk 

limited decision purchases 

less routine, involving a little more thought

like takeaway and chocolate

extensive decision purchases

purchases requiring alot more thought

like a tv or a matress

impulsive purchases 

purchases that are spur of the moment

like a drink

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market research

market research can be done in 2 ways:

  • primary (person)
  • secondary (statistics)

desk research involves using information that has already been collected

sources of research:

  • government statistics 
  • market research
  • newspaper
  • the internet

Knowledge of:

  • competition 
  • prices
  • parking
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customer needs

customer needs are the wants and desires of buyers of a product or customers of a business.

customer needs:

  • reliability 
  • quality 
  • speed 
  • good prices 
  • stock availability 
  • clean and tidy atmosphere 
  • after sales service 
  • variety
  • polite and helpful staff
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market mapping

product portfolio a list of products they sell 

market mapping is setting out the key features of the market on a diagram 

market map is a grid that measures two different aspects of a brand within the market (young/ old compared with luxury/ economy)

competitor is a business that shares the same target market, it targets the same needs and wants of the target market as our business

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adding value

adding value is the difference between the price of a product/service and the cost involved in making it.

added value = sales price per unit- total cost per unit

total added value= total sales- total cost

how can a business add value?

  • offering convenience and speed
  • improving product design and quality
  • improving a service 
  • through branding 
  • developing a strong USP
  • improving packaging 
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answering a 12 mark question

paragraph 1

  • statement 
  • explanation of the statement 
  • effect on business 
  • this leads to the increase/decrease in reputation
  • increase/decrease in profits

paragraph 2 (counter)

  • statement 
  • explanation of the statement 
  • effect on business 
  • this leads to increase/decrease in reputation 
  • increase/decrease in profits


  • statment - i agree/disagree
  • explanation for that judgement- this is because ...
  • extended a/a* conclusion 
  • being aware of counterbalance- on the other hand,
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